Absentee Ballots Issued:
October 10 – November 7
Early Voting Begins:
October 28
General Election:
Tuesday, November 8
Some polling locations have changed due to redistricting. Verify your polling prior to voting.
With the mid-terms only one week away, it is important that you vote for a candidate who represents your values.
America is not a democracy. We are a Representative Republic. We elect a candidate who represents our values, and will vote on behalf of the constituents they represent. Unfortunately, some politicians fail to uphold that responsibility. This is an issue that plagues all parties. In my personal opinion, this issue is derived by a lust for power & money.
I urge everyone to take some time and read the different Party Platforms. See how the platforms may have changed, and support the platform that represents you and your values.
Party Platforms
Delaware Working Families Party (No official party platform but are known to align more with the Socialist Party)
FRC Action has put together a page dedicated to comparing the two major political party platforms.
DFPC Action has created a comprehensive voter guide for the Delaware 2022 Mid-term candidates.
On this website, you can:
Identify your districts and candidates by creating a personalized Voter Guide on the DEvoterguide.com home page.
Read comments from the candidates that completed a DFPC Action Survey.
View voting records and researched positions from candidates who did not respond to the survey.
Determine your polling location.
Confirm your registration to vote or complete a voter registration.
Find other helpful voting resources.
Below are two example comparisons: