DOJ Déjà Vu
American Medical Association Pushes DOJ To ‘Investigate And Prosecute’ Those Who Call Out Gender Surgeries Online
Three major American medical institutions wrote a letter to the Biden administration this week urging it to go after major figures online who are promoting content that exposes some of the radical gender surgeries that are being offered at some places across the country.
This is eerily distopian and similar to the letter the National School board association wrote to the Biden administration last year.
If you recall, the National School Board Association sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice implying that some parents should be investigated as Domestic Terrorists in a horrific attempt to intimidate and silence parents in a true communist fashion! The FBI created a threat tag for investigating parents!
As of July 2022, 24 state level school board associations have left the NSBA. Delaware is not one of those 24. Through freedom of information requests of the internal review (thank you Judicial Watch) we now know conclusively that the NSBA colluded with the Biden administration on this letter. In fact, there was an earlier draft where they were going back and forth on whether to include language to sick military police and the Army National Guard on parents protesting at school board meetings!
Many people have been decieved by watching propaganda espoused by many of the cable news networks. The one video of a father, bleeding, being dragged out by police was plastered all over cable news. Devoid of context, it was intended to frame all concerned parents expressing their freedom of speech as “crazy domestic terrorists”.
If you know the context of the situation, I’m inclined to believe you would agree with that father. I, personally, would have done the same. The school covered up the rape of his daughter by a boy in a skirt in the girls bathroom! When it was brought up at a school board meeting, the school board denied that his daughter was ever raped in school! The rape occurred weeks before a vote on a “gender neutral” bathroom policy was to be voted on. That unfortunate rape would have possibly changed the outcome of that vote.
This would later be verified by the sherrif. It was also verified that the deviant sexually assaulted another girl in the new school that the district quitly transfered him to! 😡

I see this as no different. A campaign of “Silence all Opposition” using the leverage of the government. I am for limited government power. A government by the people, for the people.

Freedom is where true Unity lies!