January 10th Board Meeting
I appreciate you continuing in-person learning. I urge you to continue to do so, and not shut down in person learning again.
We all remember what happened when we shut down for two weeks..... TWO years ago!
Schools have received millions of dollars through ESSER funds to keep schools open during The Covid.
Based on Brandywine School District's initial plan to spend the 36 MILLION received in ESSR funds, we have as follows:
$2.9 million for "Air Quality"
$1.4 million for "Safe and Healthy Schools"
$15 thousand for "Disinfecting Training"
$564 thousand for "Disinfecting & Cleaning Supplies"
There is no logical reason to shut down schools!
You have already done way more harm to children than The covid ever has!
Masking young children affects them learning to speak. And for what? To make the adults feel comfortable?
Children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic.
School closures contribute to increased anxiety, loneliness, and un neccessary stress. Negative feelings due to The Covid only increase with the duration of school closures!
According to a December 20th study, data from the US centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that mental health related visits in 2020, when pandemic restrictions were first imposed, increased by 24% in 5-11 year olds, and 31% in 12 - 17 year olds compare to 2019 data!
There have also been concerns in regards to in-school covid testing. Many parents are unaware that Brandywine School District is testing students throughout the day for The Covid - mainly because they have never received the consent form. Parents want to be assured that their children will not be tested without explicit consent. NO CHILD SHOULD BE TESTED WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT.
According to the CDC, the Covid shots will not prevent infection or transmission of COVID-19, yet you have people running out to get their children vaccinated as if they are Rafiki holding up Simba in the Lion King! That's just selfish and irresponsible!
Please do not fail these children any more than you already have!