Girls Volleyball Team Banned From Locker Room
For Feeling Uncomfortable Changing With Trans Teammate
Girls Volleyball Team BANNED From Locker Room

“We allowed a child who is biologically the opposite sex, male, go in a locker room where, biologically, girls were getting fully changed,” the mother said. “The biological child was not changing and sat in the back and watched girls getting changed. That made girls feel uncomfortable, made girls feel violated and not protected.”

“We cannot have biological boys with penises changing next to our daughters in locker rooms, and then have our daughters scolded by the school. This is so backwards. Shame on Vermont!” -Caitlyn Jenner (@Caitlyn_Jenner)

So a team of 14 year old biological females did not feel comfortable changing in the company of a biological male (who, as they stated, stared awkwardly as they were undressing). The girls even stated that they do not mind having him on their girls vollyball team (I can see why some wouldn’t be opposed to their team using a “cheat code”) but feel uncomfortable with him in their changing room. The girls are now under investigation for bullying and harassment, are banned from using the female locker room, (even during normal school hours), and must relegate to changing in one single stall - all while their biological male teammate has full access to the girls locker room. What kind of clown world are we living in?
Additional resource:
Vermont Girls’ Volleyball Team Banned From Own Locker Room So Trans Player Can Use Space