"Not My Idea, A Book About Whiteness"
From BrandySchools.org’s Diversity & Equity for Families Page.
Below is a reading of “Not My Idea - A Book About Whiteness”, without any critical commentary - the reader asked for comments, though you’ll see comments have been turned off. It would be safe to say they were not complimentary.
Below is a lesson plan for this book, not affiliated with Brandywine’s curriculum, but no doubt representative of the type of lesson plans utilized for this type of material
Picture Book Lesson Plan
This guided reading lesson is designed to be part of a larger life-long commitment to anti-racist teaching and learning for the student and the facilitator. Reading Is Resistance sees reading as an opportunity to seed deeper conversations and opportunities for action around racial equity in our communities. We hold the belief that being anti-racist is a process of learning (and unlearning) over time.
From Kindergarten up. This book is clearly targeted to the youngest students. Parents need to be aware of what is being pushed in the schools.
Members of the school board claim to have been unaware of the resources they are endorsing, but it’s been on their website for well over a year, with 2 letters from Lincoln Hohler from summer of 2020 - they have had time to be aware.
While these books may not be currently part of the official curriculum, it is definitely part of the mindset of government school administrations.