Project Veritas Exposes Middle School Teacher's Sexual Fantasies with Students
Connecticut School Director Placed "On Leave" After Detailing Sexual Fantasies with Minor Students
EXPLICIT: Prestigious Connecticut Private School Educator Details Sexual Fantasies with High School Students …
‘They Spread Their Legs Wide Open and That is Just Brutal’ … ‘Possibly Means Me Losing My Job’
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Iman Rasti, Director of Writing Center; Middle School English Teacher; Seventh Grade Dean at Greens Farms Academy: “That possibly means me losing my job, my reputation -- it’s way too risky. Like, one thing they [students] do these days, they sit down in front of me, they purposefully sit down somewhere in the class that is literally directly in front of me. They spread their legs wide open and that is just brutal. Brutal.”
Rasti: “Every day there is different panties on: green, black, white and they [students] make sure -- it’s like they talk to each other, the three of them do that.”
Rasti:“They open their legs, and I am teaching, and I see what I see. They make sure that the panties are positioned in a way that I actually see the thing.”
Rasti: “Well, how can you concentrate? How can you continue talking with your classroom when you see that? I don’t know for women -- if you see, I don’t know, I guess for women it’s sexy to see a man with a hard on. Maybe it’s sexy, I don’t know…They [students] are naughty.”
Rasti: “So, you see a 15-year-old girl, and next year they come back to school, and she is a woman. She is a woman. There is no way -- she has gained weight, just, doing nothing, so it is clear that she has had sex. A lot of sex.”

Be sure to view other videos of teachers exposed in Project Veritas’ The Secret Curriculum series.
The Secret Curriculum Playlist