Help Protect Religious Exemption Integrity In Pennsylvania!
Last October, the CDC Unanimously approved adding the COVID-19 Vaccine to the 2023 US Childhood Immunization Schedule.
This February, the Covid mRna Vaccine was officially added to the childhood vaccine schedule.1
A new Pennsylvania democrat-backed bill [SB390] would force parents to undergo “vaccine re-education” before being able to opt out of school mandates!
PA Bill Would Force Parents to Take Vaccine Education Course for Seeking Religious Exemptions2
March 10, 2023 | Townhall
I had difficulty searching for this article, and others like it due to Orwellian censorship. View this footnote to see examples of my search results from three different search providers.3
This PA bill will make it burdensome to near impossible to exempt a child from a vaccine included in the childhood immunization schedule if it is required. So far, the Covid vaccine is not on the list of required vaccines, but that can change. How well do you trust your governor with your child's safety?
Below is a call to action for all Pennsylvania residents. It is written verbatim from the following Weston A Price Foundation article. This article will be preceded by local events coming over the next week.
◈View Other Events Happening In The Following Week◈
Help Protect Religious Exemption Integrity In Pennsylvania!
March 14, 2023 | Weston A Price Foundation
Pennsylvania legislators have introduced a bad bill that would place unnecessary burdens upon parents attempting to obtain a religious exemption to vaccination.
SB 390 would require certification & information on vaccines to be given by a vaccine provider for religious, moral, or ethical exemptions required for school children. It would also require parents to use a specific form.
While this bill would add both a moral and an ethical exemption to vaccination (a good thing), it must not pass as written because it creates obstacles to obtaining vaccine exemptions. Current law simply requires the parent or guardian to object “in writing to such immunization on religious grounds.”
Parents should not have to use a specific form to obtain a vaccine exemption for some or all vaccines for their children. Nor should they have to submit to certification of the forms and an unwanted “education session” on vaccines.
Help us say NO to the added restrictions to obtaining vaccine exemptions for children today
Contact your Pennsylvania State Senator and urge him/her to oppose SB 390.
You can look up who represents you at:
Call Senator Judith Schwank’s office today and respectfully ask her to withdraw her restrictive bill SB 390.
You can contact her at her office phone number in Harrisburg (717) 787-8925 or by emailing her at
Calls are more effective than emails and only take a few minutes. Below is a Sample Script followed by Talking Points. Use your own words when you call or email – a personal message is always more effective than a form message
Hi, my name is ____, and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask Senator/Committee Member ____ to OPPOSE SB 390, which would make things difficult for parents trying to obtain a vaccine exemption for their children.
This unnecessary bill attempts to coerce parents into vaccination by requiring them to receive information on vaccines from a vaccine provider before obtaining their exemption certification for school.
It also requires parents to use a specific form commonly referred to as a “bad mommy form” in the vaccine awareness community.
I am opposed to any bill that would place restrictions on religious vaccine exemptions – let alone one that would create unnecessary hardships or coercion.
Bills like this one go against the Pennsylvania Constitution and infringe on religious and parental rights. SB 390 would put us one step closer to losing our exemptions in Pennsylvania.
I urge Senator/Committee Member _____ to oppose SB 390, which would jeopardize the ability of parents to claim religious vaccine exemptions for their children
Keep your call or email short! Pick the 2 or 3 talking points that are most important to you, and be sure to explain why this issue matters to you personally.
Parents have the right to decide what is best for their children. This bill is an attack on parental rights.
Parents will be subjected to possible intimidation and coercion from medical professionals who attempt to “educate” them even though parents have already made their decisions.
This bill attacks religious freedom. Pennsylvania should not require doctors to intervene in a decision that is a parent’s right to make for their minor children based on their religious beliefs.
Parents who decline one or more shots for their children are sometimes not allowed to visit pediatricians’ offices. How would the parents be able to get a medical professional to sign off on an exemption if they can’t even get into a doctor’s office?
Doctors have a conflict of interest when advising patients about vaccines. They have been educated by pharmaceutical companies, often do not do their own research on the safety and efficacy of vaccines, and profit from them. Many even rely on a large percentage of vaccinated clientele to receive extra bonuses within their practices.
Visits to doctors’ offices can be expensive, thus placing an unnecessary burden on parents who must take their children simply to get this new form signed by a vaccine provider.
“…submits in lieu of a certificate of vaccination a written objection of religious belief or moral or ethical conviction.
(2) The objection shall be on a form developed by the
Department of Health that includes a certification by a person authorized to administer immunizations within this Commonwealth that the person provided the parent or guardian of the child with scientifically accepted information prescribed by the Department of Health on the benefits and risks of immunization.”
Learn more about SB 390 here:
Read this article to understand better why parents may wish to opt out of vaccines for their children:
Tickets are still available at ticketleap.4
Violence and Academic Failure have been devastating our schools.
Show up to the next school board meetings.
Bring others with you.
Show those parents whose children have been let down by the districts that we will no longer accept their failure.
These specific meeting will have a heavy presence of parents showing up in response to the recent surge in violence. Use this opportunity to show them just what, exactly, is going on in the schools during this brief moment of their eyes being open.
As unfortunate as the situation of violence / lack of discipline is - it creates fertile ground uopon which to sow seeds of knowledge.
Wednesday March 15, 2023 - 7pm
Monday March 20, 2023 - 7pm
Thursday March 23, 2023 – HOB - 6pm
I searched the words “Pennsylvania force parents to take vaccine re education” and these were the first page search results.
The search providers used were: