
School Board Earns the Title of "Activist Pimps"

"There are boundaries, and you don't slap family friendly titles on stuff to cover your 🍑!"

🔥🔥 Brittany Mayer, AKA Rooted Wings on Twitter addresses the school board in opposistion to the “Boo Bash Queerfest Halloween party” - which includes a Drag Show………family friendly, of course.

“While we have a culture with a massive problem with child porn and child sex trafficking, you, a little school district board of adults made the decision to feature an event to hypersexualize your children”

Encinitas Union School District, CA shared this event flyer throughout the district. ‘Queerfest’ drag show sponsored by a Gay Bar and Align Surgical, a gender mutilation reassignment surgery center.

Transcript of Brittany’s Speech

I want to know what it is that makes a
drag show ‘family friendly’ because if you follow it to its logical conclusion you can slap family friendly titles on
anything! You can have family friendly
gentlemen's clubs, family friendly strip shows, family friendly 50 Shades of grade read alouds - will you approve my flyer if I want to host an “all the sex secrets of the Kama Sutra” for kids and families, if it's family friendly? Here’s my question: what is it about a grown man, and I honestly, sincerely, as a woman mean this, what is it about a grown man, costumed in a sparkly bra with augmented boobs busting out a leather mini skirt barely covering his twerking ass with tuck tape on his front while spreading his fish netted legs as he rides on the ground grinding his groin next to a minor family friendly?

You owe us an answer and you know you don't get to hide by just taking something down off peach tree and calling it a day. You owe an explanation and an apology to every family in this school district.

You all got caught with your sparkly panties down!

And while we have a culture that has a
massive problem with child porn, with sex trafficking, you, a little School District Board of adults made the decision to feature an event to hyper-sexualize young children. Do you want to know the word that defines that is? Groomer!
You all played the activist pimp for an
alignment Surgical Center and for a 21+ gay bar, it makes you groomers, and after this, pimps - and we won't have those sitting on a school board who oversees the education of our children! You all stepped out of line, you should be ashamed! There is nothing loving, there’s
nothing “let's unite and include”
because the logical conclusion of that
is you end up in diabolical evil. There
are boundaries, and you don't slap family friendly titles on stuff to cover your ass!

Organizers of the event have support from at least one local politician. San Diego County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer called parents like Mayer and Boller bigoted

California Mom gives blistering speech branding school board 'groomers and pimps' for advertising 'family friendly queer Halloween party'

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