School Board Regrets
Looks like the National School Boards Association regrets their letter from September that got the attention of the whole country (and is affecting the VA governor's race). It is clear that the White House colluded with this association to harm Americans. We don't have Americans in the White House - we have globalists who want a socialist world.
Of course they regret it because it has mobilized a demographic they can't control or call victims - parents. Never come between parents and their children. They have unleashed a talking point which sheds light on all the crap going down in schools and at school board meetings and will certainly impact the only thing they care about, which is winning elections and having power.
There are some positive shifts happening in this country. The more the Biden administration tries to insert itself into every facet of society or tries to label parents as "domestic terrorists," the more resistance they will face. They are literally creating the push back against their own efforts. So let's keep up the good fight and keep speaking the truth.
As the saying goes, "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." ~Mahatma Gandhi