The Covid Vax Requirement for Children? Panel says YES - But It's Up to Each State!
The CDC is planning to discuss adding Covid vaccination to the required immunization schedule for school age children
Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance provides EMAILS and PHONE NUMBERS! A personal phone call or email can have a MAJOR impact.
The U.S. Supreme Court has described parental rights as “beyond debate as an enduring American tradition”.
The CDC is planning to discuss adding The Covid vaccination to the required immunization schedule for school age children in a meeting on October 19th. Follow the link below to make a comment as the period to do so ends the day of the meeting. Please share this with everyone you know to protect our kids!
FRN October 2022 ACIP Meeting2
There is only TWO days left for comment, and so far there are only 162 comments! (Although the Federal Government has been known to have “unexplained technical issues” causing a loss of comments.) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Suggested talking points for comments (Make your comments original for impact):
The covid vaccines DO NOT prevent transmission between vaccinated individuals nor do they prevent vaccinated individuals from contracting covid again! The claim that the Covid-19 vaccines prevent transmission and contraction has been & continues to be a lie. This claim by the FDA, CDC & Health Departments not only is a fallacy, but these federal agencies have betrayed the trust of the American people and coerced them into a medical experiment.
The risks DO NOT outweigh the “benefits”! Increased health risks in previously completely healthy individuals include bell’s palsy, neurological issues, weakened immune systems, headaches, depression, miscarriages, myocarditis, stroke, and sudden death to name a few! What are the benefits??
I refuse to acknowledge the covid-19 vaccines as a medical vaccine, and I will not comply with any scheduled system of such vaccinations. I am committed to reaching out to my local county & state representatives to demand further investigation & immediate halt on the medical indoctrination and unethical practices that have occurred for far too long!
Ethical Science Council3 has armed parents with a fully referenced letter to print, sign and turn into your child's school. See the attached .pdf file & post embedded below. It's best to solidify your stance and turn the letter in before any requirements are added to the childhood immunization schedule. Play offense instead of defense!

Next ACIP Meeting
October 19, 2022: 8:30am – 5:30pm ET
October 20, 2022: 8:30am – 4:00pm ET
These meetings are virtual. No registration is required to watch the webcasts.
Agenda – Draft for the Meeting [2 pages]4 (Shown Below)
This is truly insidious!
You see, the public health emergency (PHE), which drives the mandates, the covid relief funding, etc. also is key to the PREP Act7, which provides full liability coverage to everyone involved in the administration of ‘covered countermeasures.’
These ‘covered countermeasures’ include the terrible NIH protocols harming Covid patients in hospitals, even leading to death. It also covers Covid testing and Covid shots. It covers everything connected with Covid.
But the PREP Act liability coverage is ONLY in effect as long as the US is under a national PHE.
The goal has been to get these forsaken shots on the childhood vax schedule. THEN, even if the PHE ends and the PREP Act doesn’t provide all liability coverage, no one can sue for damages for injuries or deaths related to the Covid shots.
Right now, any vax on the childhood schedule is covered from liability. That will include the covid shots.
Even worse, once it gets on the childhood vax schedule, EVEN ADULTS who took the shot will not be able to sue for damages caused by the shots. No one will ever be able to sue!
This is reprehensible!
The CDC is Quietly Pushing Annual Covid Shots for Children So That Big Pharma Gets Complete Liability Protection8
The risk versus benefit scenario clearly does not support use of genetic vaccines for SARS-CoV-2, most especially in children. Long-term outcomes of resolved myocarditis are historically associated with decreased life span.
DC Schools already MANDATE the vax for ALL children of which a USDA approved vaccine is available!
DC School Districts Impose COVID Vaccine Mandates, Unvaccinated Will Be Barred From Attendance9
The Covid vaccine mandates ruled unlawful for government workers10, but mandates remain unchallenged for school children!
"The vaccine mandate for city government workers in Washington, D.C., is unlawful, D.C. Superior Court Judge Maurice Ross ruled Thursday."
District Columbia Immunization Attendance Policy11
"Beginning in the 2022-23 school year, the COVID-19 vaccine is required for school enrollment and attendance in the District of Columbia for all students who are of an age for which there is a COVID-19 vaccination fully approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As of July 8, 2022, there is a fully approved COVID-19 vaccine for individuals age 12 and older."
I will end with this audio recording of a phone call from a father who’s 7 year old son is in the hospital with myocarditis. As a father, this is tough to listen to - it is both sad & infuriating.
Father speaks to pharmacist after child was sent to the hospital with myocarditis after The Covid vaccine 😓