Does Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Use Kids as Lab Rats?
A Resource to understanding Social Emotional Learning
Does Social Emotional Learning Use Kids as Lab Rats?
Just Say 'No' to Using Children As Lab Rats |
Public education has quietly broadened its scope from the three “Rs” — reading, writing, and arithmetic — to educating the “whole child.
One of the survey providers mentioned is Panarama Education, a company founded by US Attorney General Merick Garland’s son-in-law 🤔
Through a Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) it can be stated with certainty that Brandywine School District hired Panarama Education.
See some of those pages are posted below
Here is a podcast of a Facebook Live event which aired on Sep 1, 2021 - timestamped to the 31 minute mark where they discuss "Panarama Education".
Brought to you by Mark Zuckerberg!
A recording of this Facebook Live event can be watched here.
Here are a few additional resources on Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
This podcast is the equivalent of a short audiobook and contains just as much knowledge as one can gain from a well written non-fiction book.