Delaware House Introduces Bill Establishing Delaware as a Trans-Trafficking State
HB230 allows the state to 'take custody' of children, shields medical 'professionals' from liability, all while against the will of the parents!
I wanted to wait a bit to report on this bill until the events of ‘pride’ month subdued and this matter of egregious government overreach & violation of parental rights could receive the attention it deserves. Make no mistake. This is in no way an attack on people who chooses to live their life outside of traditional societal norms, nor is this an ‘attack’ on individual liberties. That could not be further from the truth. Everyone should take pride in who they are as individual human beings of strong moral character.
It is when those values of a strong family, freedom, individuality, & integrity are eroded that we no longer have a free & prosperous nation. The result is an immoral, deceptive, nation of chaos.
Delaware House Bill 230 (HB 230) Allows For Medical Experimentation, Sterilization, And Mutilation Of Children
Delaware Family Policy Council1 put together an excellent resource regarding HB230, including a break down of key points of the bill, as well as a wealth of resources explaining how, what, & why there is this push to sexualize & exploit America's children.
HB 230 would allow courts to take emergency custody of children who are “unable to transition.” This equates “failure to transition” with abuse and abandonment. Loving parents who don’t want to rush their children into a life-alerting medical decision should not be in fear of losing custody of their children.
HB230 would create for zero accountability for child mutilation by shielding medical professionals from the consequences of experimentation on children who want to “gender transition.”
It is beyond irresponsible to allow the medical system to prescribe experimental chemicals that result in mutilation, sterilization, and other serious side effects, to children who are not fully cognitively developed to understand the implications of these treatments. HB 230 would prevent medical professionals from being held accountable for unwisely encouraging children down this path.
Children who struggle with gender dysphoria already suffer from increased risk of suicide, mental health disorders, substance abuse, and other issues. We should be protecting these children by addressing these underlying issues, rather than pushing them toward sterilization and mutilation when they are at their most vulnerable stage in life.
We should help children accept their own bodies, instead of fast-tracking them toward sterilization and mutilation of their bodies to force them to conform to gender stereotypes. There’s a growing movement of young adults sounding the alarm, reporting deep regret and filing lawsuits for the horrific and irreversible harm that has been done to them.
Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have many unintended negative side effects, permanent sterilization being among them. The American Psychological Association has recommended that prepubertal children not undergo such medical treatment. This is medical castration. It is beyond irresponsible to allow children, who are not yet fully developed cognitively, to make such a permanent decision for themselves.
Transgender treatments have extreme negative effects that are long-term, including loss of the ability to use reproductive organs as they were intended, permanent sterilization, brittle bones, heart issues, and depression & suicidal thoughts. Even though national medical associations like the Mayo Clinic recommend that individuals “address any psychological, medical or social problems that could interfere with the treatment,” HB 230 provides ZERO legal recourse for individuals who were not given a thorough psychological or physical examination before being prescribed puberty blockers, hormones, or surgery, and suffer tremendously as a result. HB 230 is irresponsible!
Learn more about the dangers of HB230 here...
Primary Sponsor
Rep. Neal (D. 13th)
Additional Sponsors
Sen. Gay (D. 5th)
Sen. McBride D. 1st)
Rep. Longhurst (D. 15th)
Rep. Heffernan (D. 6th)
Rep. Morrison (D. 27th)
Rep. Baumbach (D. 23rd)
Submit your petition to your elected officials here.2
Telephone Numbers are: 302-744-4351 or 302-744-4221 - the Operator will direct your call.
Emailing and calling your State Representatives and Senators can make a difference.
DE House Representatives Link4
HB230 is just one in a flurry of bills recently introduced which:
a) put children in harms way
b) push political ideology
c) erode parental rights
d) expand the role of the state
Senate Bill 106 intends to erase woman!5
which is ironic given that the house recently passed HCR 9 & HCR 12 designating March 8 as WOMAN'S Day and celebrating the leadership & achievements of WOMEN. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
House Bill 200 will put put Mental Health Professionals* into Delaware public schools
*there is no doubt that transgenderism will be a leading diagnosis
Track the status of Delaware bills, as well as keep up to date with the latest bills coming out of Congress using Delaware Family Policy Council's new Legislative Tracking Tool. A special thank you to Nandi Randolph for her detailed, easy to understand policy analyses.
✧ Legislative Tracking Tool7 ✧
☠️We must not go down the path of California!☠️
Three of the sponsors of this bill are extremely biased. One is a drag queen, one transgender, the other a mother who socially transitioned her child at 4 years old!8
Representative of Delaware's 13th district, DeShanna Neal is the primary sponsor of the wretched HB230 bill. DeShanna Neal is also a member of the the Delaware Democratic Socialist Party of America.9 Read DeShanna's own words from her campaign page:
I'm DeShanna Neal (she/they), a queer mother of four and community organizer. I became a public figure when my daughter Trinity expressed her desire to receive gender confirming medical treatments as a teenager. I fought for and won the right for Trinity to become the first child in Delaware to receive gender confirmation surgery via Medicaid. Despite the controversy and criticism I've received, I stand firm in my beliefs of racial justice, accessible medical and mental healthcare, and LGBTQ+ rights, and continue to fight not only for my family, but for all families in need in my community.
Neal's child registered on the autism spectrum, which is common amongst children who are said to be of the wrong gender. You can view Trinity's story in the adjacent footnote.10
Gender Dysphoria is a very real, and serious disorder. Even in such a case, is permanent medical (chemical & surgical) intervention on a minor the solution?
Another mental disorder that is not talked about nearly enough is Munchausen Syndrome.
Munchausen syndrome [by proxy] (factitious disorder imposed on another) is where you act like the person you’re caring for (a child, a disabled individual, or an older person, for example) has a physical or mental illness while the person is not actually sick. They lie about symptoms, sabotage medical tests (like putting blood in their urine), or even harm a dependent to get the symptoms. This is a form of child or elder abuse.
Diagnosing and treating Munchausen syndrome is difficult because of the person’s dishonesty.
This is the same Ms. Troy who read at the New Castle County Public Library ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’.
It is a sad state of society where having a grown man dressed as a woman reading to children is considered an achievement! There are many elderly people in nursing homes that would love for someone to read to them.

DeShanna Neal was the keynote speaker at the United Way 10th annual Anti-bullying / Gender Sexuality Alliance Summit11
Why is everything in the name of ‘inclusivity’ so damn exclusive?
Many of you may have seen this advertisement on your computer screen. There has been a massive ad campaign for inseparable, pushing for HB200 to pass.
Mental health services is a lucrative business!
While this may seem innocuous, maybe even beneficial, make no mistake that this is a trojan horse! It will be hijacked to push a political agenda. The executive director, Brian Bond, is also executive director of PFLAG, an LGBTQ organization that supports “gender affirming care" for minors. There is no doubt that this "mental health support" will actually manipulate & confuse young children who are already suffering from the isolation & learning loss caused by the Covid lockdowns.
PFLAG is "beyond excited" to support Jeffrey marsh12, as shown in the video below.
With those connections I’ve shown, and the eagerness for inseparable to get this bill past, do you trust that in$eparable ha$ your ₵hild’$ best intere$t at $take?

Blair White, who they themself were born a biological male, was censored by YouTube for showing footage of a pride parade where children were present, due to content “not suitable for viewers under the age of 18”
This constant exposure to sexual inuendo leads down a path of sexualization, emboldening Child predators, & the traumatization of our youth.
Such examples of Traumatization can be found here on a Delaware blog where a sexual abuse victim documents her trauma.

WARNING: Graphic Content Ahead
This video was taken at a Seattle pride event where grown men were riding naked WITH CHILDREN in the crowd! A user based “fact check” tried to water this video down by saying it is not ‘pride’ event, but in fact just a bunch of naked old dudes on bikes who do this every year. They neglect the fact that there are NAKED ADULTS carelessly gallivanting around children. Not to mention the PRIDE flags, the sign on the bike which says PRIDE, and the next group in the parade holding a banner that says LEATHER PRIDE!!
This is ANOTHER pride event with a sultry old man gyrating in his underwear in front of innocent children while their parents cheer and take pictures!!!
“We’re here. We’re queer. We’re coming for your children” were the chants heard at NY drag queen / pride parades.
NBC - Don't worry, LGBT people were always 'coming for your children’13
June 28, 2023 | Washington Examiner
“NBC chimes in with a *FACT CHECK* letting us know that Pride marchers have been saying they’re ‘coming for your children’ for years as a deliberately ‘provocative expression.’ I guess that makes it all okay! Thanks for the confirmation, NBC,” -Charlie Kirk said in the tweet.
To put that into context, one just needs to reference the videos above.
We must not ‘Californicate’ our Delaware!

Delaware is steadily following in the footsteps of California’s failed policies. From environmental, economic, to societal. California’s Bill AB 665 just left committee, and it’s a doozy in the arena of family values and child safety. This legislation says that children as young as 12 can decide to live in state-funded group homes if they are unhappy with their parents. This, without any parental input or even their knowledge.
This circumvention of parental responsibility must be stopped!
The human brain is not fully developed until about the age of 25.
The frontal lobes are last to finish developing. These lobes are responsible for planning and reasoning, so the ability to plan and reason is not fully developed until your mid-20’s.
Below you will find a propaganda video meant to mislead the uninformed American public.
This is the propaganda that is spun. They conveniently left out the elementary aged children, nor is the drag queen twerking for the kids. They instead show an audience which appears to be adults listening to a man in drag read a children’s book to them, which in & of itself I find disturbing, but hey, to each their own.
They depict a irrational acting white male showing up brandishing a gun, holding a book titled “Basic Bible Study”, reciting scripture, while wearing a shirt with the American flag (of the ‘Thin Blue Line’ variety) in the shape of The Punisher logo. At the end, after the librarian courageously hits the attacker upside the head with a dictionary (I presume symbolism for the fact that those words did indeed hurt), the greatest bit of propaganda is shown. The “Inclusive Pride” flag shown with the words “We The People Mean Everyone”. They could have just as easily put those words atop the American flag and those words would equivocally ring true.
By leaving out key elements, and including propagandized prescribed stereotypes, you can see how these dark scenario's are spun to the uninformed voter.
Back in September of 2022,
exposed this:
*PLAG is included on that list
September 21, 2022 | TownHall
The example above from the NEA, the nations largest union, goes beyond the state of Ohio. Teachers across the nation are encouraged to wear these identifying “Ally Safe Space” badges. These badges became a way to virtue signal and show where your political values lie. Teachers who chose not to wear those badges have been ridiculed and harassed, being called names such as bigot and a __‘phobe’.
This is how children are being sexualized and transitioned – Please be informed & take action. 👈Click here for context of the points below
Purposefully planting the seeds of confusion
No Recourse, No help for Parents.
Bypassing Parents.
Parents framed as threats to child safety.
The Path to medical experimentation, Puberty Blockers.
Cross-sex hormones.
Amputation of healthy body parts: Surgery.
'Non-binary' identifying students in New Jersey skyrocket over 4,000% since 2019
June 25, 2023 | Post Millennial
Recent state enrollment data from New Jersey has found that the amount of students in the public school system who are non considering themselves to be "non-binary" has skyrocketed over 4,000 percent during the past four years.
In the 2019-2020 school year, a mere total of 16 students identified with such a label, according to enrollment figures from the New Jersey Department of Education. Now, that number has ballooned to 675, marking an excess of a 4118 percent increase for the 2022-23 school year.

verbiage from the amended bill: strikeout is removed, bold is added
Encourage any
womanperson who presents with signs ofmaternal depressionperinatal mood and anxiety disorder to share the materials and information withher baby’stheir child’s family members or caregivers andhertheir family members and caregivers
House Concurrent Resolution 31: Transgender Day of Visibility
Look carefully at what the Delaware House and Senate agreed to acknowledge in HCR 31:
the "record number of anti-transgender bills ... introduced across the country...targeting areas including education, including bans on books and curricula relating to gender identity, health care, identification documents..."
that trans ideology in Native American culture was "actively suppressed by the efforts of missionaries..."
The Truth:
🌑 The so called "anti-transgender bills" are actually bills that protect children from being sexualized in schools, protect minors from making life-damaging medical decisions, and protect individuals from erasing the fundamental documents they need to be properly identified in the event of an emergency or death.
This Legislative Tracking Tool includes:
Links to previous Legislative Updates
Bills categorized by issue (Parental Rights, Life, Education, etc.)
"Mini Legislative Update" directly from Nandi on session days
This is a helpful tool for you to be informed, develop relationships with your legislators, and advance truth in government.
Candidate may become first drag queen elected to a state legislature
In this week’s Delaware primary, the last of the state primaries held across the country, former HRC employee Sarah McBride, who is transgender, also won her race. If elected, she would become one of the first openly trans state senators in the U.S.
'I am a girl': One child's journey to 'truegender'
June 6, 2017 | USA Today
Democratic Socialists of America Is a Communist Organization
While DSOC could claim a few genuinely anti-communist old-time socialists in its ranks, NAM was much more communist-oriented. Most younger members of NAM came out of the anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1970s and the Maoist-leaning Students for a Democratic Society. Most of the older members were former Communist Party USA militants. NAM tilted the Democratic Socialists to the left, and as more younger people joined, the party became increasingly pro-communist.
Realizing that old-style violent revolution was not working in Europe, Gramsci came up with a new plan. Rather than using the standard Marxist-Leninist revolutionary model of inciting the workers to revolt against their bosses, Gramsci reasoned, why not infiltrate communists into all areas of society?
The phrase “long march through the institutions,” coined by Gramsci student and German revolutionary Rudi Dutschke, reflects this vision. To achieve revolution, infiltrate the field of education, journalism, the churches, entertainment, labor unions, civic organizations, and mainstream political parties.
The Orange County, California, branch of the DSA acknowledged its debt to Gramsci in its February 1984 newsletter:
“Antonio Gramsci was a founder of the Italian Communist Party. He developed theories on ‘open ended Marxism’ and independent Euro-Communism. His writings have remained influential among European parties of the left for several decades. They have also formed a vital part of the ideas that brought about the formation of today’s DSA.”
The Democratic Party has always been a major target for DSA. Most DSA comrades in the early days were also Democrats, and members held office all through the party.
A child's journey to 'truegender'
November 30, 2021 | Delaware Online
She never felt at home in her body, which biologically reflected a boy. Once, she tried to castrate herself with kiddie scissors.
Heartbroken that she couldn't wave a wand and grant Trinity a vagina, DeShanna located one of the few gender therapists in Delaware who would agree to evaluate a four-year-old.
The gentle woman with the bob cut looked gravely at DeShanna. Then at Chris.
"Do you want a happy little girl or a dead little boy?"