Happy Independence Day!
Reading the Declaration of Independence & understanding the monumental inspiration of America
Happy Independence Day!
Wishing you and your family a memorable celebration and much joy on this 4th of July.
Below, Lieutenant Colonel
reads the Declaration of Independence.You can read the text of the US Declaration of Independence for yourself here.1
Proper Flow of Authority
Men and Women's rights are granted to us by God. They are un-a-lien-able. A lean cannot be placed upon them. Your rights are your property and you have right over your property. 2

Past events in history played a significant role in laying the foundation of which our nation is built upon.
The Pilgrims realized the importance of religious liberty, morality, education & law.
Where faith produces morality, and morality leads to just laws and an educated people, the people will “proclaim liberty throughout the land,” tyranny will be suppressed, and blessings follow

The Mayflower Compact and the Foundations of Religious Liberty3
November 12, 2020 | Heritage Foundation
‘Flow of Authority’ graphic from FreedomFighter1776.com
"Our vision is to create a world where the flame of liberty burns brightly, where the rights and freedoms of every individual are fiercely protected, and where truth and justice prevail. We strive to inspire a movement of passionate individuals who stand up against oppression, defend God-given rights, defy tyrants, and work towards a society where all God's children can thrive, free from the chains of tyranny. Through unwavering faith, dedication, education, and peaceful action, we aim to leave a legacy of freedom, empowerment, and a brighter future for generations to come."