Institutionalized High School Marxist Pedagogy
North Carolina's "Social Justice Academy" is a page straight out of the Communist's playbook
View other quotes from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader1
Majority of children in America have been fortunate enough to be shielded from living under socialist rule. Perhaps too much so, that many are unaware of the inhumanity of socialism. They are unaware of the false promises made, and the freedoms which must be given up to fulfill those utopian promises.2
Excerpt taken from the ECHHS’ Social Justice Academy web page3

This webpage has a “snapshot” archived from August 13, 2020 on The Wayback Machine.5
It can be definatively be said that North Carolina’s East Chapel Hill High School has had this Marxist pedagogy in place since, at the least, August of 2020. The statement listed on their web page “The Thematic Academy at East Chapel Hill High is the Social Justice Academy” tells me that this has been in this school much longer, but now they are much more open about it.
This is not an isolated situation, either.
"The heavy hand of communism has stirred up racial strife, creating confusion, hate, and bitterness so essential to the advancement of the red cause."—Manning Johnson, 1958

Much of what we see happening today is described in this book published in 1958 by Manning Johnson, American Communist turned American Capitalist.
The words penned in Color, Communism, and Common Sense by Manning Johnson in 1958 eerily resonate with the troubled atmosphere that arose in 2020 and remains embedded today in our Western culture.
Manning Johnson spent ten years as a high-ranking member of the Communist Party of the USA, believing that the Party could help the conditions of black people in America at that time.
When finally realizing that the Communist Party was not helping but actually harming black people and using them for its own purposes, Johnson left the Party and spent the rest of his life warning about communism.6
And let us pray and work, that the misunderstanding, the bitterness, the hate, and the frustration, and the tension that exists may disappear and that the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Charity may prevail again amongst our people. —Manning Johnson, 1959