Maine School Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl
"The youngster was told to keep it a secret from her parents"
Maine School Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl1
January 1, 2023 | Epoch Times
When a 13-year-old girl said she actually was a boy, teachers at her Maine school allegedly started using male pronouns for her and a counselor gave her a breast binder to wear to create the appearance of a flatter chest.
No one told her mother!

The youngster was told to keep it a secret from her parents

…a social worker at the Great Salt Bay Community School had given it to her, as well as changing the name and pronouns she used at school…
A worker “at the school encouraged a student to keep a secret from their parents!” Lavigne said. “This is the very definition of child predatory sexual grooming. Predators work to gain a victim’s trust by driving a wedge between them and their parents.”
Her daughter had turned 13 just a month before.
Maine lawmakers now are considering a state educational rule that would allow social workers and school counselors to keep secrets about children from parents.
“It is not ever my role, regardless of where I am practicing, to out that kid to their parent, even if there are safety issues present,”
Public School Worker Who Began Secret Gender Transition on 13-Year-Old Maine Girl Has Conditional License3
This is a growing trend in K-12 schools all across America. Children are being groomed into an identity crisis. Made to believe that the body they were born of may be “incorrect”.
Every parent must be fully engaged in their child’s education. Ask questions, and be attentive. Use it as an opportunity to build upon & strengthen your relationship with your child.
Read more about the deviancy going on while your children are in the care of government education on the Schooling Delaware homepage tab titled Sexualization of Innocence.
Here is a 2 year old video by @SydneyWatson describing the absurdity:
Destroying Innocence: The Over-Sexualization of Children in the Name of Tolerance