Primary Care Institution Prioritizes ‘Gender-Affirming’ Medicine for Children
'Gender-affirming' mastectomies for children soared 389% from 2016 to 2019
A great article by No Left Turn in Education’s1 North Carolina Chapter President, Nancy Andersen, MD
Primary Care Institution Prioritizes ‘Gender-Affirming’ Medicine for Children...2
The next trend in medicine: Primary Care Physicians with no training or experience in pediatric endocrinology or in psychiatric evaluation and treatment of gender dysphoria will be able to prescribe puberty blockers and cross-gender hormones to minors.
ECU will become a medical facility where primary care doctors insert themselves between a parent and child, potentially affirming a minor’s new gender identity without parental knowledge. Buckman also described plans to expand the program into other specialties. (Could this include surgery given its role in “gender-affirming care”?) Medical students and residents will rotate through the gender clinic to incorporate “gender-affirming care” in future primary care practices.
'Gender-affirming' mastectomies for children soared 389% from 2016 to 20193
You can expect these numbers to skyrocket! This is a social contagion intentionally spread to sow confusion and division in America.

Trans Advocates Train Doctors How to Break Down Parents’ Resistance to Child Sex Changes4
This concise yet comprehensive story links many resources.
A pro-transgender medical organization provided a guide5 to health professionals teaching them how to pressure parents to accept their child’s transgender identity.
Breitbart News revealed that the Arizona Department of Education promoted QChat Space, prompting a lawsuit against Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman.
This guide also encourages children to check out an organization called “The GenderCool Project,” which works to normalize child transgenderism by securing high-profile media appearances for children who identify as transgender.
Breitbart News revealed that the organization is sponsored by AbbVie, a pharmaceutical company that manufactures puberty blockers and has a financial incentive to encourage pre-pubescent children to identify as transgender.
Let me close with the words from an Indiana mother of her recent experience at her primary care physician:
I’m alarmed 🤯 and You should be too! Im in Indiana and took my daughter in today to see our primary Dr for a sports physical. They asked her for an email to be able to send her medical information to. I told them they can send it to mine. I was then told that a new law passed recently that limits parents to their child’s information. Wait…what??? I’m the parent yet limited to my child’s medical information? I was told they can send it all to her email, to which she replied she didn’t want to give her’s thank the lord, (SHE’S 14!!) but they can’t send it to mine.
Don’t think for a moment that it will stop here. This government will push even further and will never stop until they get what they want. They are blood thirsty. I’m going to figure out which state reps I need to talk with because this is wrong and oh so dangerous.