A teacher with Pennsylvania’s Hollidaysburg Area School District is being probed after allegedly bringing a copy of one of America's top challenged books 'Gender Queer' into her seventh grade classroom. That’s 12 & 13 year olds!
This particular book has no place in any public school. The word “banned” has been getting thrown around a lot lately. These groomers, as in the indoctrinated marxist sexualizing & confusing the minds of young children, associate “banning books"' with the likes of ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’, ‘Harry Potter’ ‘And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street’, and ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’. That could not be further than the truth!
I, for one, think “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” should be required reading. What I am against are books that are sexualy explicit1, anti-American2, and just flat out racist3.
There are boundries which must not be infringed upon. There is a time & place for certain adult matters. (Just ask Jeffery Toobin of CNN4)
Just see for yourself and decide if this book is appropriate.

Pennsylvania teacher probed after bringing copy of 'Gender Queer' book to class: Memoir contains sexually graphic details of coming out and is one of America's most challenged books5
No, Free Speech Doesn’t Mean Porn In Schools6
The most common books that school districts have restricted student access to include “Gender Queer,” “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” and “Out of Darkness.” These books have been criticized as pornographic and promoting LGBT content. For example, “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” a book aimed at adolescents, contains graphic descriptions of male homosexual sex.

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