Thank you Veterans of the United States of America 🦅
Valor, Courage, Honor, Integrity, Sacrafice
Thank you for your selflessness & willingness to volunteer.
I have never held the honor of serving in our military, but for those of you who do have my eternal appreciation. An admiration of the valor, courage, honor, integrity, sacrifice embodied by America's bravest.
A recent article stated:
About 70% of younger military service members and veterans say they feel uncomfortable or awkward when someone says "Thank you for your service" to them.
Maybe that is because it is a job not taken for gratitude.
Or maybe it is the fact that while people may say “Thank you for your service", what is observed tells a different story. As if some of those people who ‘proudly’ wave the American flag a couple of occasions throughout the year did not think twice about surrendering liberty out of fear.
A excerpt from the White House's 2023 Veteran's Day Proclamation1
Some of the most amazing stories of acceptance, inclusion, & diversity were had from men & woman serving together on the front lines.
The last paragraph is a powerful statement that I wholeheartedly agree with. It is when the context of the interpretation of those words differ that creates uncertainty, as I am certain 1Lt Mark Bashaw would agree.
There is a ‘fundamental’ change2 happening in America, eroding the very foundation of what this nation was founded upon - individual liberties enumerated by our constitution.
Our great men & woman of the military fight relentlessly to preserve equal and inalienable rights. Standing up to preserve our nation. Fending off the Marxist influence which besieges our country.