The Most Accomplished Black American Doctor 'CANCELED'
In true communist fashion, Dr. Ben Carson's name removed from high school

Detroit school board votes to remove Dr. Ben Carson's name from public high school1
Upon reading this article, I wanted to do more than just ‘share another news story’. I wanted to take this opportunity to add depth to the achievements of an American icon. Show the value of perserverance, parenting, and integrity. To show the obstacles which can be overcome when you have people in your life who believe in you, and will not let you give up.
The great educator, Booker T. Washington once said "Character, not circumstance, makes the person."
Dr. Ben Carson, a man of perseverance, integrity, & The American Dream. A personal hero of mine, and a man who deserves to be placed upon a pedestal and have his inspirational story told.
"Nobody was born to be a failure" -Sonya Carson
Raised in poverty by a single mother2 who could neither read nor write, her son went on to be enshrined in medical journals throughout the world as the first doctor to successfully separate Siamese twins.3

After Carson came home from school with poor grades, his mother instituted a strict change in the household. She limited her sons' TV time, and wouldn't let them go outside to play until schoolwork was done. And she started encouraging them to read two books a week4, write book reports on them, and hand them in to her. Her dedication to their education saw substantial results — both boys would go on to graduate college. "Nobody was born to be a failure," she told the Detroit Free Press in 1988.
There are devious reasons certain stories of American greatness are not told, and it is none in part due to reasons you may be led to believe.
Hiram R. Revels5, who in 1870 became the first black man elected to congress, sworn it just 5 years after the Civil War. 15 more Black men would take their seats in the House and Senate during the next 10 years.
Robert Smalls6, a slave during the Civil War who commandeered a confederate ship and solidified himself as a Civil War hero. He, too, was elected to congress.
Crispus Attucks7 was the first man to give his life for every American's liberty.
One can only ask the question “Why is that?”
Learn about more '“forgotten heroes” at the Unsung Heroes Project9, a project dedicated to honor & preserve this great history that has been hidden for too long.

“Dr. Ben Carson is a true hero , and he represents the best example of the American dream, an example young black Americans need desperately. Shame on Detroit school board.”
We are constantly hearing talk of ‘diversity’, yet it is clear that diversity is not the true goal. The only ‘diversity’ the woke, left, socialist allow is conformity! Dr. Carson is being erased, or ‘canceled’, due to his diversity of thought!
Individual. Free. Thought. That which makes America beautiful and unique. Individualism is the embodiment of true Freedom.
“Dr. Carson is the epitome of the American dream. Only in our country could a poor boy from the inner city grow up to be a world-renowned neurosurgeon, presidential candidate, and Cabinet secretary. He personifies the very promise of America. Through hard work, opportunity and faith in something above self, just like Dr. Carson we can achieve anything we set our minds to.”
Dr. Carson is founder of the American Cornerstone Institute,10 who's Little Patriots11 program offers free K-5 curriculum based on America's founding principles.
Ben Carson Launches Free K-5 Curriculum for Schools, Parents Rejecting Racial, Ethnic Agitprop12
July 29, 2022 | Breitbart
From Plummeting Test Scores to Woke Curriculums, Ben Carson Addresses America’s ‘Crisis in Classroom’13
December 05, 2022 | The Daily Signal
You can read the inspirational life story of Dr. Ben Carson in his autobiography, Gifted Hands.14 The biography has also been released in a kids edition.15
Dr. Carson has also recently published a children’s book, Why America Matters.16

There was even a movie made of Ben Carson’s Life titled Gifted Hands.17 The part of Ben Carson is played by Cuba Gooding Jr.
There is one more movie worth sharing which places Dr. Ben Carson on that pedestal. Uncle Tom,18 from Director Justin Malone and Executive Producer Larry Elder.
Uncle Tom examines self-empowerment, individualism and rejecting the victim narrative. Uncle Tom shows us a different perspective of American History from this often ignored and ridiculed group.
Statement from the American Cornerstone Institute:
These educational leaders – who should be acting as role models for our kids – instead decided to create a huge political spectacle by “canceling” Dr. Carson and trying to erase his amazing achievements as a doctor, as a leader, and as a citizen.
Dr. Carson is disappointed by this – not because of his name being removed, but because it sets a bad example … for the kids at this school, and for the entire country.“Cancel culture” tells young people and all Americans that you shouldn’t listen to those with whom you disagree and try to find common ground; you should just stigmatize them and erase them.
A lot of people who feed off cancel culture probably expected Dr. Carson to lash out at his political opponents – hurl some insults, call people names, keep the fight going.But instead, Dr. Carson said to our team here at ACI:
“What if we use this as an opportunity to rally people across the country to speak out against cancel culture? To show America that we have a better path forward for our country than hate and division?”
Please read & co-sign the National Statement Against Cancel Culture19