Drag Queen Story Hour held at New Castle Public Library...
But said NO to Liberty Story Hour!!!!
The taxpayer-funded library in New Castle, Delaware, has for some time been promoting events and causes that you likely object to — such as hosting "Moms Demand Action," a gun control group, and featuring readings of banned children's books, such as And Tango Makes Three, a tale featuring two male penguins deciding to start a family.
Then there was the time that the library hosted an event called "Drag Queen Story Hour with the wonderful and glamorous… Ms. Troy!!!!"
(Yes, they used four exclamation points.)
This reminds me of this recent Babylon Bee headline: Interest in Drag Queen Story Hours Wanes After They're Renamed More Accurate 'Man Wearing Lingerie Wants to Spend Time With Your Kids Hour'1
A few folks at the Libertarian Party of Delaware decided to test how "diverse" these librarians were, and pitched a "Liberty Story Hour" where they would read on of our Tuttle Twins books.
Can you guess what the response was?
After reviewing the "Liberty Story Hour" proposal, the librarian sent this email reply:

"I spoke to my manager about the program and we are going to pass. While we appreciate the literacy aspect of this, we just don't think this would be a good fit for our public library."

“As the librarian who planned and hosted this wonderful program, I can assure that it had no political agenda so I don’t really see your point in comparing the tow programs.”
The librarian who had described her drag queen event as "wonderful" thought that teaching things like free markets and property rights wouldn't be "a good fit" for her taxpayer-funded organization.
What a world.
It's a world I want to change, because I'm frequently disgusted with what's going on. And I'm not one to sit on my laurels and just complain. So get involved, have those important conversations, and share this newsletter.
Thank you Libertarian Party of Delaware for standing up for our children and values.
So, just who is ‘Ms. Troy’……with the four exclamation points?
Here is his facebook page:
and here is content from that facebook page:

….and God forbid I call these transvestite queens trying to pervert the minds of children “groomers” well, you decide for yourself….
Drag Queen Admits To ‘Grooming’ Children At Library ‘Story Hour’ Events2
Some of the above was shared by Conor Boyack3, founder of Libertas Institute4, and author of the acclaimed educational children's series "The Tuttle Twins5"