To be called ‘Dad' is one of the greatest moments in a man's life, and is foundational to the life of the child who speak that name. This is not to say that a child without a father can not succeed in life. That would be like saying a three legged dog will never walk. We're Americans. Adversities can always be overcome.1 It just means that the road to success has gotten more treacherous, increasing the likelihood of that child finding a ‘father' in people who do not have that child's best interest at heart.
e.g., Gangs, Child Predators ect.
To all the Dads, Grandfathers, and honorable men who have stepped up when that role was left vacant,
Many of today's youth are lead astray by an insidious effort to break down the nuclear family. One of the number one problems in our nation is that we are becoming a fatherless America.
Children need a father to be their mentor, their coach, their hero. Men of integrity. Some kids are blessed by a teacher, a coach or a friend who will step up to fill that void.
There are some tough mothers who wear many hats, but nothing can substitute a positive male role-model in a child's lives. It does not "take a village" to raise a child. It takes a family!2
Happy Father's Day!
😂A funny conversation between coworkers. Both of whom are proud fathers.🤣
Are you a father?
You don’t know if you have any kids?