The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is an oppressive, totalitarian regime without regard for human life.
The corrupting influence of China’s totalitarianism can be contained at the border but only if other countries recognize it for what it is—and don’t flinch from saying so. —Salvatore Babones
From Uyghur Muslims held in forced labor concentration camps1, to Social Credit Scores2, to inhumane dystopian lockdowns during the Covid3, to the miltarizing of children; sending kindergarteners to handle firearms and fight like soldiers in boot camps4.
The innocence & autonomy of the Chinese citizen is ripped away, forcing them to serve as pawns for the regime's ever growing quest for dominance.
Communism spreads beliefs of a utopian vision of which has never been achieved. China's Marxist influence in America has been slowly acclimated into society mostly unnoticed & unchallenged. That influence can be found in nearly all our American institutions; entertainment, criminal justice, governing bodies, news media, sports, and education.
Generations of Americans have fought against the horrors of Communist and Marxist ideas. Those Americans, many of whom themselves have fled, never wanted future generations to ever have to experience the tyranny & oppression of a socialist dictator.
Majority of children in America have been fortunate enough to be shielded from living under socialist rule. Perhaps too much so, that many are unaware of the inhumanity of socialism. They are unaware of the false promises made, and the freedoms which must be given up to fulfill those utopian promises. 5
A recent report released by Parents Defending Education (PDE) shows China’s Communist Party spending over $17 million on programs inside American K-12 classrooms. Those CCP funded programs are known as Little Red Classrooms, or Confucius Classrooms.
The spending reported by Parents Defending Education is a part of efforts by the Confucius Institutes, a CCP-controlled group at the collegiate level.

From the PDE report:
Three of the nation’s top science and technology high schools have ties to Chinese government affiliated programs:
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology has had ties to Tsinghua University High School—the high school affiliated with one of China’s top military schools, Tsinghua University.
Simpson County Public Schools in Kentucky entered into an agreement with North China Electric Power University to operate Western Kentucky University’s Confucius Institute.
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics received a “Confucius Classroom of the Year” award from Hanban in 2018.
The CCP has had ties to school districts near 20 U.S. military bases.
While the United States is not officially part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese state media has touted the work done by Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms to further the Chinese Communist Party’s global influence.
Former Chinese Communist Party Senior Chairman Li Changchun in 2009 said that Confucius Institutes were “an important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up.”
Funding of Confucius Institutes within American universities also funds K-12 Confucius Classrooms, through organizations tied to China's Ministry of Education and the CCP.6
The Chinese government’s effort to forge ties with American schools through its Ministry of Education is one facet of the Chinese Communist Party’s broader soft-power strategy to influence policy in nations throughout the world. Expanding Confucius Classrooms in the United States has been a top priority for the Chinese government, the United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations found.
As of March 2023, 13 Confucius Institutes are still in operation, and 108 have or are in the process of closing, according to the National Association of Scholars.
The State Department designated Confucius Institutes a “foreign mission” of the Chinese Communist Party in 2020. As noted in the State Department’s report, these programs are funded in part by the Chinese government under guidance from the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front Work Department, “the Chinese Communist Party’s overseas propaganda and influence operation.”
Disturbing connections have been found between American schools and Chinese schools tied to the Chinese military and energy operations.
Tsinghua University High School of Beijing is affiliated with the University of the same name; a Chinese military school which is “supervised” by the Chinese defense industry. Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia partnered with Tsinghua University High School in Beijing receiving more than $1,000,000 in financial aid from Chinese government-affiliated entities over the course of a decade
The Simpson County Board of Education in Kentucky entered into an agreement with the North China Electric Power University to develop the Confucius Institute of Western Kentucky. The North China Electric Power University works directly with the Chinese government’s energy sector to push China’s global energy initiatives, as part of its Belt and Road Initiative. The Chinese International Education Foundation, sponsored by the Confucius Institute, tasked the university with selecting more than 34 Chinese teachers to send to Simpson County Public Schools for the 2020-2021 school year.
It wasn't until recently that scrutiny has been given to government public education and the programs within. Since that oversight has been established by both the government and by the American people, the number of Confucius Institutes & Confucious Classrooms have been shrinking. The legitimacy of the organizations that funded those initiatives did not hold up when scrutinized.
This 2021 opinion piece in Newsweek does a great job of laying out the euphemistic deception used to institute CCP controlled ‘Confucious’ institutions in American universities & public schools, and the threat they pose.
Confucius Classrooms are funded by the Propaganda Department of the CCP, the agency responsible for "ideology work" and censorship in China and abroad. The program is also closely linked to China's United Front Work Department, which has a mandate to influence foreigners' opinions of China. One United Front goal is to conduct "thought work" among ethnic Chinese communities abroad—that is, to keep them in line.
Based on research conducted by the U.S. Department of Education in 2019 and 2020, we believe the right approach to Confucius Classrooms is clear. American schoolchildren should have increased opportunities to study Chinese language and culture—through collaboration with anyone other than the CCP.
The Confucius Classroom Conundrum
March 22, 2021 | Newsweek

In the wake of discovery into Chinese Communist Party influence in our American education institutions, while ‘Confucious' institutes are closing by the dozen, new rebranded programs are opening up an effort to avoid scrutiny.
China-Backed Confucius Institute Rebrands to Avoid Scrutiny
CCP propaganda programs change name but not the content of their influence operations7
March 17, 2021 | Washington Free Beacon

Temple Quietly Closes Communist China-Linked Program, as Criticism of CCP Rises
July 15, 2021 | Delaware Valley Journal
To reiterate, as stated in the Newsweek article above:
“American schoolchildren should have increased opportunities to study Chinese language and culture—through collaboration with anyone other than the CCP.”

Part 5 of the PDE report (States & Military Bases) provides an extensive list of schools who currently or previously instituted ‘Confucius Classrooms'.

A few school districts in the immediate area are as follows:
New Jersey
The excerpts & examples in this post are just a mere fraction of what is included in the PDE ‘Little Red Classroom' report. Please view the detailed report in it's entirety for a comprehensive breakdown. All resources are included.
🏫 Parents Defending Education Little Red Classrooms Investigation
July 26, 2023 | Parents Defending Education
Here is an article with a more focused summary:
July 26, 2023 | The Lion
My hope is that this post, along with the included footnotes, will engage & encourage the reader to better understand the Chinese Communist Party's influence and initiatives in American institutions.
I highly suggest listening to the words of Xi Van Fleet which can be found online, or in her book “Mao's America".
Xi Van Fleet8 has been integral to spreading the horrors of Maos China, and the similarities to what we see happening in America at present.
I have not heard of this YouTube channel shown below, but this one of the few clip montages I could find of the extreme measures taken by the CCP without lengthy narration
The boot camps feature combat training for boys and girls with a wide variety of toy weapons including knives, grenades, rifles and shoulder-fired missiles, and require the children to adopt military behavior, such as saluting, the schools’ social media posts show. The rise in the militarization of China’s youth appears to follow a 2019 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee push for increased “National Defense Education” and a related effort directing schools to hold National Defense Education activities in 2022, according to government documents.
The Chinese Military Is Training Kindergarteners For War In Bootcamps Across The Country
July 10, 2023 | Daily Caller
March 22, 2020 | Full Measure News
The Chinese Education Ministry, Hanban, generally provides funding, material and staff for Confucius Institute programs. Since 2006, the Chinese government has spent more than $158 million on schools in the US.
A bipartisan Senate report found that the Confucius Institute curtails academic freedom because the Chinese government controls "nearly every aspect" of the program in the United States. The report said Beijing requires instructors to follow Chinese laws and bars them from discussing topics deemed sensitive by the Chinese Communist Party, such as the Tibet issue.
After Congress pursued legislation to rein in the Confucius Institute—including a bill that won unanimous support in the Senate—host institutions started to rebrand their China partnerships.
Asia Society, a U.S.-based nonprofit with ties to China, helped the regime establish more than 100 Confucius classrooms in elementary, middle, and high schools across the country. Until late 2020, the nonprofit touted its collaboration with the China-backed program on its website, according to the American Security Institute report.
"Asia Society's Confucius Classrooms are a national network of exemplary Chinese language programs," read an archived version of the Asia Society's website from August 2020.
Asia Society's website no longer mentions the propaganda program. The nonprofit has replaced every mention of the Confucius Institute with its new name, the Chinese Language Partner Network. The new program is functionally identical to its predecessor and teaches the same materials in the same schools, according to the website.
Xi Van Fleet describes herself as “Chinese by birth; American by choice, survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, defender of liberty.” She was born in China, lived through the Cultural Revolution, and was sent to work in the countryside at the age of 16. After Mao’s death she was able to go to college to study English and has lived in the United States since 1986. In 2021, she delivered a school board speech in Loudoun County, Virginia against Critical Race Theory that went viral and ignited national conservative media attention. She now devotes her time and energy full time to warning about the parallels between Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China and what’s unfolding in America today.