Middle School Fight Leads To Father Beaten to Death
Discipline starts in the home, and must be reinforced within school, society
Maryland dad beaten to death after protecting his kid in middle school fight1
May 23, 2023 | NY Post
“If he's not going to fight, then you're going to fight”
Christopher Wright, 43, was killed on his doorstep by five disgraceful thugs.
Hid son Trenton, 14, got into conflict with another teen at Brooklyn Park Middle School2. Later that evening, three teens and two adults showed up at his Maryland home.
They demanded that Wright send is son outside to fight. When Wright told the group their son would not be fighting, they are said to have replied: 'If he's not going to fight, then you're going to fight'
The group then jumped Wright. They repeatedly slammed his head against the concrete, even after he was already unconscious and bleeding out, all while his 12-year-old son watched.
“My dad and I tried to go on to the camera to look, and the first video that comes up is my 12-year-old son screaming, ‘Daddy, Daddy, Daddy’ and running out of the house to go into the street and help his dad. I couldn’t watch anymore after that. I just couldn’t”
Remnants of Wright's blood still stains the ground outside their home.

“My son went to school, Chris had to reinstate him as he had been suspended for something different. He was involved in multiple fights throughout the day, somebody came into his classroom to fight, and a teacher had to pull the kid off him.”
It is apparent that this student has behavioral issues. He returns from being suspended from something entirely different, and then still manages to get in multiple fights throughout the day.
Where is the discipline?
Maybe returning to that school was not the right solution. It's likely the same could be said for the other kids involved. Why were there multiple fights without any disciplinary action?
Lack of security?
Woke discipline protocal?
Officials from the school acknowledged the fight had taken place and said that they worked to address the issue.
Based on the statement above, and the fact that “a teacher had to pull the kid off him” I believe it to be the latter, which an unfortunate consequence ends up being the former.
Pictures above are from the Anne Arundel school district's Restorative Practices 2018-2023 Strategic Plan3
Here are links to the school district's statements on ‘Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)’ and ‘Restorative Practices (RP)’.
These programs are in virtually every Delaware public school.
Read more about Restorative Practices in my previous post below.
Discipline starts in the home, and should be reinforced at school by way of a strong partnership between parents and teachers to ensure consistent messaging and reinforcement of traditional discipline values.
Teachers and staff should serve as positive role models by consistently exhibiting the values and behaviors they expect from students.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
At a recent education town hall hosted by Citizens for Delaware Schools, Beth Conway, with 31 years of experience in the Delware public school system, speaks on the dangers of implementing Social Justice Discipline such as “Restorative Practices".
Disregard for discipline affects all students.
Schools are fostering an environment where recently a SIX year-old coerced another SIX year old to perform a sexual act during class, while recording 34 seconds of it on the classroom supplied, password protected iPad! The school claims there was no crime as the act was consentual!
…her 6-year-old family member was forced to perform a sexual act on another student and the incident was recorded on an iPad. PISD later said authorities who reviewed the video determined that “a sexual assault did not occur; rather, mutual inappropriate sexual contact occurred between two 6-year-old students.”
Plainview ISD families outraged at response to sexual incident involving 6-year-olds4
May 18, 2023 | Everything Lubbock
Watch the mother of the child speak out in response to the feckless statement issued by the district 👇
“To the parents who say:
‘I will take a bullet for my kids’
‘I would jump in front of a bus for my kids'
—Dr. Elana Fishbein
Direct link to the school district's Restorative Practices 2018-2023 Strategic Plan .pdf file