First, let me start out with wishing everyone a Happy Easter ✝️🐣🐰 and a reminder that Delaware School Board elections are only one month away! The elections will be held on Tuesday, May 9th.
Brandywine school district candidates are running unopposed, so there will be no election in Brandywine school district.
Red clay, on the other hand, is critical.
Out of 774,1941 registered Delaware voters, only an average of 15,000 cast their vote in their local school board elections. That is less than 2%. Please read the post below titled School Board Election Deadline which details why school board elections are so vital in maintaining the Integrity, Liberty, and Prosperity of the United States of America. We, as a representative republic, are given the right to vote for representation who best reflects our own individual values. You need not have children to have a stake in the education the next generation of young Americans receive.
Delaware Student proficiency during the 2021-2022 school year is at an abhorrent level
42.36% English language arts (ELA)
29.48% Math
87.02% Graduation Rate
This means that only 29.48% of Delaware students are able to comprehend mathematics at grade level!
control gained by enforcing obedience or order
orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior
training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character
a field of study
a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity
〈obsolete〉: instruction
to punish or penalize for the sake of enforcing obedience and perfecting moral character
to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control
to bring (a group) under control
to impose order upon

We are living in a world where Communist & Marxist ideology has been slowly and covertly injected into nearly all facets of society. To many, as much as some things do not feel right, that connection goes unnoticed. To others, it can not be unseen.
There has been a steady rise in violence among our public schools. This goes beyond the mental harm & social anxiety caused by unjustified3, draconian lockdowns & social isolation.
It is the structured implementation of social behavioral programs. These are often pushed through under the guise of “Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion” [DEI]. Some of the names such programs go by are “restorative justice”, “restorative practices”, Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS), & Behavior Intervention Support Team (BIST), which was established in 1990.
When it comes to studies of ideologically-preferred policies like restorative justice, the logic all too often is: “Heads, I win. Tails, I would have won if it were implemented correctly.”
Restorative justice is frequently presented to teachers as “evidence-based” and on the cutting edge of “social justice” as something that works if they embrace it. Man’s capacity for self-deception cannot be discounted, and if teachers think they’re doing better even as students think things are getting worse, that would be consistent with the policy drama that has played out writ large over the last two years: In the face of increasingly overwhelming negative evidence, social justice education reformers have only grown more vociferous in their insistence that discipline reform works. 4
The word discipline has been manipulated & contorted to falsely represent a tenet of “white supremacy”.
This isn’t innocent linguistic drift or slang; it is a conscious effort to reshape society. The schemes include redefining words for personal gain, using modifiers to alter the meaning of a word, replacing technical words with colloquial ones, and creating new words. Each of these is a bullying tactic, which distort effective discourse.5
In this Education Week “Equity & Diversity” article titled How Is White Supremacy Embedded in School Systems Today?6 ‘scholar’ Ileana Najarro writes:
The very specific way that I talk about white supremacy being embedded in the daily life of schools, is in the organizational routines and practices of schools. We think about the daily life of schools being carried out through organizational routines … the starting of school, or decisions about discipline, or grading processes or tracking processes, where these ideas about white superiority are sort of embedded in people’s consciousness and self-conscious thinking in ways that reproduce these kinds of racial hierarchies. And part of that is tied to the practice of engaging with people.
‘Restorative Justice’ Is Killing American Classrooms7
March 16, 2023 | Daily Signal
Restorative justice is a remediation theory that suggests students respond better to affirmation-based conversations in which an adult de-escalates any problem situation by calmly discussing the students’ feelings about the problem until everyone agrees.
Traditional methods of discipline are seen as utterly barbaric, with fans of restorative justice suggesting that punishing a student for violent or other bad actions sets them on an unshakable path toward prison and abuse.
Proponents often point to schools that adopted the practice of restorative justice and saw a sharp decline in suspensions—Oakland Unified School District in California, for example. Although suspensions in Oakland Unified have decreased, the level of violence and total number of police incidents in the school district have not.
The National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers union, continues to preach that the “school-to-prison pipeline” is solved by restorative justice. But it seems that students are more likely to be thrown in prison as a result of the practice.
Students who are violent and disruptive without consequences one day will find that police departments don’t have restorative conversation circles. Crimes will be met with prison sentences.
As a teacher, I was told repeatedly in our “equity meetings” that the classical methods of justice were harmful and ineffective—yet charter and private schools that still practice these methods enjoy the privileges of safe hallways and classrooms, fewer police incidents, and a better environment for learning.
I Quit Teaching: Out of control students get ZERO consequences w/ PBIS, Restorative Circles & BIST 😳
Read the comments to this video to hear many teachers share their own examples (and leave a like and/or subscribe while your there) 🙂
Through a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request by Citizens for Brandywine School District [now Citizens for Delaware Schools]8, it is clear that Brandywine school district is putting those theories into practice.
More information on Restorative practices within the Brandywine school district, examples of violence in Delaware schools, including the beating of a middle school principal, along with additional information on “evidence-based practices” can be viewed in my post titled “Violence in Delaware Schools”.
Below are pages of a pdf file found on Delaware gets many of it’s educational & environmental9 policies from California.
Restorative practice’s weak on discipline policy played a key factor in the recent shooting in a Denver high school on March 22.
This school was aware of this student, who attended regularly. Who has been in felony possession of firearms before. Who has mental problems. Who every day was pat down to make sure he did not bring a weapon into school.
Restorative justice led to the children being unprotected!
Do to the district’s woke DEI policies, the school previously eliminated armed resource officers to make the students feel more……safe? An emergency school board meeting was held after this incident. “Based on the emergency situation presented by the events on March 22nd, the board of Education herby suspends the ban on armed officers, effective through June 30, 2023.” The motion was approved by the board.
The school superintendent said he was committed to having two armed police officers stationed at East High School during school hours through the end of the academic year, regardless of the official policy. The school superintendent then apologizes to the community that he and the board have decided they need to reinstate officers.
“I am willing to accept the consequences of my actions. Today was my fourth visit to Denver health's intensive care unit due to victims of gun violence” he said in the letter to the board “These events [reinstating armed officers] should not have happened on my watch, or on this board's watch”
2 school employees shot by student who was required to be patted down each day: Police10
March 23, 2023 | ABC News
This is absolutely absurd!
6 Reasons Why PBIS is a Terrible Idea11
It doesn’t work
It’s disrespectful
It punishes good kids
It makes it harder on those who come after
It puts teachers at the mercy of student behavior
It’s coercive and manipulative
In many schools where PBIS is implemented, there are restrictions on how misbehavior is handled. The idea is that you try to ignore it and reward positive behavior.
Because of this, teachers are often not allowed to send a student to the office until certain conditions are reached (e.g., parents are called multiple times, you’ve tried positive reinforcement, etc.). That unnecessarily hampers the ability of the teacher to intervene in often very serious situations and makes classrooms less safe.
It also makes PBIS look falsely successful. “Look how few referrals we’re getting!” (Teachers aren’t allowed to write them.) “Look how few suspensions we’re giving!” (Even egregious behavior goes unaddressed.)
Delaware ACLU Candidate Survey
Out of the 11 Delaware school board candidates who replied to a questionnaire12 send out by the Delaware ACLU to all Delaware school board candidates, these 6 openly mention their support for restorative practices.

The millions of Covid ESSER funding is being used to implement many of these “restorative” social justice programs.
Books found in school libraries glorifying school shootings!
Graphic Novel Depicting Students Shooting Teacher Found in Florida Middle School Libraries13
March 31, 2023 | The FL Standard

A New York Public Library review called the first book: “An entertaining adventure story ranging from darkest to lightest comedy that will leave readers clamoring for the next books in the series.”
Recently, a 12 year-old & a 17 year-old were arrested for the murder of 3 teens.
Minors Busted in Murders of Three Florida Youths Who Were Part of Their Teen Robbery Crew14
April 7, 2023 | NY Post
This Florida sheriff talks about the problems created by minimizing discipline.
Across the river in NJ, bullying has gotten drastically out of control.
NJ town stunned by 11-year-old girl's suicide inside school15
March 31, 2023 | NJ 101.5

This is at least the second suicide death of a New Jersey student this year connected to reports of bullying.

Some parents have had enough and are stepping up to do the job which the school is neglecting to do - protect the students! This is just one of the many “father” groups that are rising up to protect these kids.
As of January 1, 2023 based on public voter registration data provided by the state of Delaware Department of Elections
The American Academy of Pediatrics declared “a national emergency in child and adolescent mental health,” specifically noting an increase in suicide attempts, as well as “soaring rates of depression, anxiety, trauma, loneliness, and suicidality that will have lasting impacts on them, their families, and their communities.”
Dr. Ben Carson, world renown pediatric neurosurgeon, wrote this short article January 27, 2022 calling out the inept Covid response.
Citizens for Delaware School now has an official website.