Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest, if not the greatest American intellectual of our time.
Thomas Sowell has traveled the world gaining new perspectives on life. He preserved some of those perspectives through photography.
📚I have recently been reading (and re-reading) selections from the many writings of Thomas Sowell found in "The Thomas Sowell Reader". Below are the pages from a much overlooked section titled “Random Thoughts”.
A recently reprinted memoir by Frederick Douglass has footnotes explaining what words like "arraigned," "curried" and "exculpate" meant, and explaining who Job was. In other words, this man who was born a slave and never went to school educated himself to the point where his words now have to be explained to today's expensively under-educated generation.
-Thomas Sowell

There is a sense of pride you get from reading the works of Thomas Sowell. Sowell is a man of integrity, a source of reason, and upholds the virtue of freedom by way of free thought & individual liberties.
Intellect is not wisdom -Thomas Sowell
Please check out the newly created Thomas Sowell Books to get “regular bits of bite-sized wisdom from Thomas Sowell directly to your inbox”
As with any threat to “The Collective”, the brainwashed minions of the Marxist elites are sent out to attack the very being of anyone who promotes individualism, free markets, and traditional values.
As I write this, a came upon this article of a man who wants a Thomas Sowell children’s book removed from the shelves of a Barnes & Nobile store! The book is a children’s biography from the Heroes of Liberty collection.
Thomas Sowell: Notorious white supremacist
Bethany Mandel from Heroes of Liberty replies…