An Introduction to Thomas Sowell1
Thomas Sowell is a renowned American economist, social theorist, and philosopher who has made significant contributions to the fields of economics, political philosophy, and social policy.
Sowell is widely regarded as one of the greatest thinkers of our time, and his work has had a profound impact on modern conservative and libertarian thought.
While there may be some disagreement with some of Sowell's views, there is no denying his intellectual rigor and analytical clarity of his work. He has a remarkable ability to cut through the complexities of economic and social issues, and to articulate his ideas in a way that is accessible and persuasive.
Sowell's greatness lies in his ability to challenge conventional wisdom and to question the prevailing assumptions of his time. He has a deep understanding of economic principles and how they relate to social issues, and he has used this knowledge to shed light on a wide range of important topics, including race, poverty, education, and the role of government.
Despite his reputation as a conservative thinker, Sowell has also been critical of some aspects of conservative ideology, and he has been known to challenge his own assumptions and those of his colleagues. Sowell's willingness to think critically and to engage in constructive debate is a hallmark of his work, and it is one of the things that makes him such a great thinker.
Overall, while there may be disagreements among liberals and conservatives about Sowell's ideas and his political leanings, his contributions to the fields of economics and social policy cannot be denied. His work will continue to influence and inspire thinkers for generations to come.
After Skool2 uses art to deliver interesting content in an engaging and creative way. Below, Thomas Sowell explains the reason Social Justice is fundamentally incompatible with equality of opportunity.
While I do consider Thomas Sowell to be one of the most fascinating thinkers of modern times, it is still, after all… a lecture on C-Span! After Skool does an incredible job of adding a visual aspect to Thomas Sowell's profound words.
November 1, 1999
Sowell talks about his book The Quest for Cosmic Justice.
The full speech for the audio used in this video can be viewed here.3
The above tweet is from Alan Wolan4, creator of The Genius of Thomas Sowell podcast. A podcast dedicated to the mind & writings of Thomas Sowell.
This episode features a January 1993 interview with Thomas Sowell about his book "Inside American Education."
…she told them [her daughters] exactly what her mother told her in the face of discrimination by whites. She said you are two individuals. You will go as far as you can work to go…
This interview plays as if were from today, yet it was recorded 30 years ago!
The original YouTube video can be watched in its entirety:
Part 1 HERE5 and Part 2 HERE6.
This is a clip from a Senate hearing from approximately 30 years ago of then senator Joe Biden questioning Thomas Sowell on race, and voting rights.
Not surprisingly, the original clip of the exchange is no longer available, so here is a clip The Ruben Report7, timestamped to play at the start of the exchange.
After much searching, I managed to find an alternate video8 of the clip. It is a 2 hour video, but I have timestamped the clip to play at the start of Sowell's exchange with now president, Joe Biden. (see footnote)
I have also embedded the 6½ minute clip of Joe Biden attempting to trip-up Thomas Sowell in case the original video gets put into the “memory hole”.9
Spoiler Alert: He fails!
Facts about slavery never mentioned in school | Thomas Sowell
This is a video is made from an excerpt from Sowell’s book titled Black Rednecks and White Liberals.
The Hidden Truth Behind The End Of Slavery [part 1] | Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell on the Truth Behind School Success
This video is just one in the playlist titled Thomas Sowell On Education in the United States10

You can purchase Thomas Sowell Sticky Quotes from here.11

American Students Are At The Bottom - It Was All Planned
From ‘The Thomas Sowell Reader’, as written about in the below post below.
Alan Wolan writes a great article explaining who is Thomas Sowell, and why he is one of the greatest intellectuals of our time.
To read Thomas Sowell’s books is to embark on an intellectual journey of paradigm-shifting proportions. So many of the things you thought were true, if only because they are repeated endlessly in the media, have little or no evidence to support them, according to Sowell.
Alan includes the 7 guiding principles of Sowell’s intellectual method.
There are two dominant visions of human nature; the “constrained vision” and the “Utopian vision.”
There are no absolute solutions to human problems, there are only tradeoffs.
The actual consequences of a public policy are more important than the intentions of policy makers.
Who decides is a much more important factor than what gets decided.
“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”
The intellectual elite of any society possess less than 10% of the knowledge of that society. 90% is widely distributed among common people throughout the society.
Intellectuals get it wrong much of the time because of the constraints imposed on them by being professional intellectuals.
Alan closes his article by precisely echoing my view on the impact of Thomas Sowell.
Diane Rehm Interviews Thomas Sowell 1993 [part 1]
Diane Rehm Interviews Thomas Sowell 1993 [part 2]
Dave Ruben's YouTube show, The Ruben Report
Dr. Sowell testified in support of the nomination, citing Judge Bork's commitment to judicial restraint.
Memory Hole — A system for destroying inconvenient or contradictory records The best archival system on record.
Sticks and stones may break my bones...
Thomas Sowell On Education in the United States YouTube playlist
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