Undercover Video Exposes How Schools Deceive parents, Circumvent Law
Another dystopian slight of hand - Parents Need to be In The Game to Win
If you haven’t already heard, Project Veritas has released another undercover video this week exposing the deception used to peddle Marxist indoctrination into the American education system.
TeachingLabHQ Director DrQuintinBostic admits to intentionally violating Georgia state law selling Critical Race Theory curriculum to schools.
'If you don't say the word "critical race theory," you can teach it’ —Dr. Quintin Bostic
Marxist indoctrination is to Freedom as a virus is to a computer.
We, the parents, are the antivirusmarxist.
Just like antivirus software, we are constantly on defense, defending children from the harmful woke virus of indoctrination. Unfortunately, many times users are unaware that a virus has infected the system until the system has already been compromised.
Just because a threat has been perceived to be removed does not mean the threat ceases to exist. It only means the threat has been temporarily thwarted, and it lay dormant while it adapts, evolves, and evades the restrictions put in place.
This is why we need parents to be on the offense to purge this ‘virus’ from the system. We need tax paying citizens to protect their investment, which without oversight, has spread like a plague throughout our system.
Thankfully, there is an coalition of warriors made up of freedom loving Americans willing to play the game. Groups such as Project Veritas, No Left Turn in Education, Mom’s for Liberty, Back to the Schoolhouse1, 1776 Action2,
, independent journalists, and pissed off parents across America!

What is shown above is not surprising to myself, nor the many others who have been in this battle for any extended amount of time. It is imperative to educate & open the mind & eyes of the majority who, while they hold the same values, have seen this through the lens of euphemisms & misdirection.
You can not separate the two. Individually Diversity, Equity3, and Inclusion are not inherently nefarious, but when you remove that key word - individual - it takes on a darker meaning.
Words are constantly changing! Men can now get pregnant, woman can pee standing up, and if you think the government should not mandate a vaccine, you are, by definition, an “anti-vaxxer”4
CRT stood for Critical Race Theory. It was found throughout many school curriculums. Many officials did not deny the racist, Marxist ideology of Critical Race Theory. Instead, they insist that they do not teach “The Critical Race Theory”. The belief that a student is inherently incapable of achieving success due to circumstances beyond their control. Again, I refer you to real life examples in American history that prove that to be adjectively incorrect.
Hiram R. Revels, who in 1870 became the first black man elected to congress, sworn it just 5 years after the Civil War. 15 more Black men would take their seats in the House and Senate during the next 10 years.
Robert Smalls, a slave during the Civil War who commandeered a confederate ship and solidified himself as a Civil War hero. He, too, was elected to congress.
Crispus Attucks, the first man to give his life for every American's liberty.
Therefor, all references of CRT was then explained as “Culturally Relevant Teaching”. (See what they did there?) Then you have Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. So on and so forth….
The Center for Renewing America has a Glossary of CRT related terms5 I suggest reviewing. You may be surprised of the words you find.
School administrators, indoctrinated teachers, and the NEA [National Education Association] are just some examples of how deeply rooted the Marxist, anti-American, predatory indoctrination really is.
Pennsylvania’s Colonial School District, which was under scrutiny by the tax paying residents, have now rebranded DEI as EIB. They can now say that they no longer have a six figure, tax payer funded office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion as many schools now have. It’s all a slight of hand.
This undercover reporting from Accuracy in Media caught school Ohio school administrators revealing how they ‘trick’ and deceive the parents.
“You can pass a bill that you can’t teach Critical Race Theory in a classroom, but if you didn’t cover programming or you didn’t cover extracurricular activities or anything like that, that message might still get out,” Matthew L. Boaz, executive director of DEI at Upper Arlington Schools, told AIM investigators on hidden camera video.
“Oops,” he joked. “There will be a way.”
“We use Newsela6 in a couple of different capacities,” Staten said. “We use it for not only some of our like core content, so our social studies uses it. But we use it as a supplement for language arts also.”
“I mean, that will probably get discussed in 17 classrooms before somebody actually brings it in here,” he boasted. “And then we’ll deal with it.”
There is so much more I would like to expand upon, but for the sake of keeping this an easy, sharable Sunday evening read, I will cap the conversation here. I hope the evidence put forth above will give you a heightened awareness of the tactics of deception used, and give you the peripheral vision necessary to stay vigilant and engaged.
Back to the Schoolhouse is a national grassroots movement of teachers from varied backgrounds who have a strong appreciation for classical education and a deep love for America’s founding principles. We strive for academic excellence in an educational environment free from indoctrination that permits every student to reach their fullest potential.
The new 1776 Action National Spokesperson is a is a neighbor from our north, Kathy Barnette and is headed by none other than world renown pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary's Definition of Anti-Vaxxer Includes Opposing Vaccine Mandates
Glossary of CRT Related Term | The Center for Renewing America
Newsela is a revisionist history, social justice laden, woke “News” service broadcast into classrooms throughout the country
“Serving 90% of schools including 25 million students and over 2 million teachers.”