I apologize for the crass title, but it is not an exaggeration to what is being taught in some of Delaware's K-12 schools, and at the heart of the decadence plaguing our society.
American government schools have been oversaturated with sexual education curriculum, growing ever more sexualized. Delaware sex-ed curriculum is no exception.
Alfred Kinsey; father of the sexual revolution

Alfred Kinsey is often cited for his role in the sexual revolution with his studies on human sexual behavior in the 1940s and 1950s. Though not directly responsible for implementing sex education in schools, his research influenced public and academic views on sexuality, paving the way for more open discussions.1
Alfred Kinsey is a pedophile basking in the eternal pits of hell for his role in studies involving rape & abuse of children, including infants! Just as the role Dr. Money2 played in creating “gender", while experimenting & mutilating children in the name of “science", Alfred Kinsey is celebrated by many on the left for his role in bringing sexual education into postmodern government schooling.

I am still reading & researching the “pioneers" of the sexual deviancy that plagues our government schools, and their close relationship to the NEA Teachers Union, but for now I will leave this here ending with the following slides on Kinsey.

Comprehensive Health Education Program
Delaware government & charter schools are required to teach sex education. This requirement is part of the Comprehensive Health Education Program, which must be implemented in grades K-12.
There are no provisions in Delaware law that explicitly allow or disallow parents to opt their children out of sex education classes.
While the schools may choose “any evidence-based, evidence-informed programming”3 most opt to use the provided programming.
I ask that parents get involved & do their own basic research. What you will find in some of these Delaware government curated programs I believe you will find wholly inappropriate.

There has been a noticable increase in the adoption of AMAZE from 2020 - 2023
☝️ This is great. I'd like to see how this is implemented. Cleary, there will be some school staff who are implicated in this abuse called “grooming".
Erin's Law Annual Report - Delaware Department of Education
All government school teachers are aware of these statutes listed below. When a teacher sent me screen shots from an educator mandated webinar, I was taken aback.
In Delaware, the age of consent for sexual activity is 18 years old. This means any person 18 or older can legally consent to sex. However, in 2010 Delaware passed “Romeo and Juliet” laws that provide “close-in-age exemptions for certain consensual underage relationships.”4
The intent is to avoid criminalizing underage couples who willingly engage in sexual relationships. These recognize that adolescents often experiment sexually before turning 18. Delaware passed its Romeo and Juliet provisions in 2010 to allow some flexibility in statutory rape cases.5
So to be clear, some examples that fall into Delaware's legal statute of consent would be:
a 12 year-old consent to sexual contact with someone up to 16 years of age!!
a 15 year-old's legal consent to sexual activity with a 19 year-old!!
a 16 year-old ‘consenting’ to sex with a 30 year-old!!
You can see how with those laws, and perverse hyper-sexualization of young children, a path of promiscuity is forged.
Amaze Programming
Right off the bat, let me start out with a video from amaze…
The original video can be viewed here. I urge you to read the comments & view their other content.
I could probably just end right here because this video is so absurd you may have already verified that it is in fact from AMAZE and NOT satire.
These are the endorsing organizations of the “National Sex Education Standards” listed on Amaze's website.6

(See the 🏳️⚧️Trafficking☭ toolbar above to learn more, including about former Human Rights Campaign spokesman ‘Sarah' McBride who is running for Delaware’s United States Senate seat as the first Transgender Senator)
AMAZE partners include the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF) and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), two organizations in the giant cabal towards “global citizenship”.

Even more concerning, in Delaware's K-12 Comprehensive Health Education Program Amaze is AMAZE Junior!7

The original, full video “Help kids learn that bodies are private” can be viewed here.
The original, full video “Help kids learn about their bodies” can be viewed here.
The original, full video “Help kids learn why it’s important to keep private parts private” can be viewed here.
Many of these videos are based on content by Debbie Roffman8 who has made a living off exposing children to sexual content at a young impressionable age.
Planned Parenthood Programming
Improper Relationship
There are certain things that SHOULD NOT be discussed with children by an adult. Are you okay with a complete stranger teaching your child about “Anal, Oral, or Other Type of Sex”
Planned parenthood has been one of those “health professionals” inserted inside public schools in some states. Courage Is A Habit does a great job of stringing some of Planned Parenthood’s content together in this 𝕏 article.
Planned Parenthood promotes a Transgender Cult language meant to confuse children & disconnect them from reality.
This woman claims that Virginity is made up, only to shame those that do not have “penis to vagina” intercourse, while in reality it is quite the opposite. Virginity keeps the act of sex sacred, and comes with remorse & shame when virginity is lost without love.
Planned Parenthood's revenue in recent years has been significant, with reports indicating an annual revenue close to or exceeding $2 billion. This revenue includes various sources, but none of the provided information breaks down a specific amount from school programs.
Between 2019-2021, Planned Parenthood performed 1.11 million abortions while receiving approximately $1.78 billion in federal funding. This is an average of $592 million every year.
Over 40% of Planned Parenthood's revenue comes from government reimbursements & grants. While this funding might include elements that could indirectly relate to educational programs or services offered to schools, it's not explicitly specified as revenue from school programs.
What is obvious is that YOUR Delaware tax dollars are clearly a financial contributor!
Planned Parenthood introduces the idea of “puberty blockers” to children using this cartoon. Keep in mind that NO medication is approved for “Gender Affirming Care”. All medication is prescribed OFF-LABEL!

SIECUS Programming
Thankfully, doing a site search of the Delaware Department of Education for “SIECUS” yielded no results.
While not in Delaware government schools yet, it's best to be vigilant & proactive.
Again, I refer you to
’s article on 𝕏 “The Hidden Dangers of SIECUS Sex Education”SIECUS produced a report called “Exposing Hate: The Truth about Attacks on Our Kids, Schools, and Diversity”. In this report, SIECUS identifies the people who oppose teaching children to explore sexuality. This report attacks anyone who disagrees with them and labels them as the “REGRESSIVE MINORITY”. They state “The Regressive Minority has increasingly mobilized in global and U.S. spaces to maintain the heteronormative white family as the cornerstone of far-right and fascist movements.” The report defines the “Regressive Minority” (people who don’t want to sexualize children) as anyone who fights for any of the following:
Parental Rights
Removing Pornography From Schools
Transparency with curriculum, contracts, and policies
Requiring Parental Permission For Controversial Lessons & Programs
Banning Critical Race Theory
Forbidding Gender Confusion Secrets From Parents
Forbidding Males From Using Female Facilities & Participating In Female Sports

Kelly S. has a well documented thread on 𝕏 about the sexual perversion which is SIECUS.
SIECUS is a proud supporter of PFLAG. If you are unsure of what PFLAG is, and it's future ambitions in Delaware, click here.9

Sexually Graphic Textbook Highlighting Sex With Blow-Up Dolls Approved In California Schools, Records Show10
August 19, 2024 | Daily Wire
Closing Points
All these curriculum are deeply tied into Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
All “Comprehensive Health Education Programs" is aligned with UN #Agenda2030 & The World Health Organization’s “New Global Strategies" towards “Global Health Governance”.
One of the SIECUS webinars even discussed Sexual Citizenship, as shown in the footnote.11
California's El Dorado High School teacher, Judy Rehburg was secretly recorded during her sexual exploitation education class.
“So, you don't have to go inside the booty hole, you can actually just push on the seam…so that's why male on male anal sex is still very pleasurable"
Teacher then proceeds to tell them where to purchase sex toys.
This sexual decadence must be called out and morals restored!
What Can Parents Do?
1. Set a meeting with your principal. Ask them how much Planned Parenthood materials they use. Ask them if they ever have a PP representative come speak to students or set up booths.
2. Ask about their thoughts on community schools and their beliefs on parental rights when it comes to medical decisions for minors.
3. Be prepared to demand your child opt-out of any and all Planned Parenthood / Amaze / SIECUS activities or materials. Put it in writing in an email and ensure all staff acknowledges it, especially school counselors or social workers.
Every family has different circumstances and challenges. If at all possible, begin to strategize how to pull your children from government schools.
However, please stay in the fight, whether or not you pull your children. Your children’s future and how this country will function depends on our ability to rid schools of this level of rot.
The education battle is everyone’s problem. Stand up for your children today or they will live on their knees tomorrow.
If you will take a bullet for your child…
If you would jump in front of a bus for your child…
Then why would you draw the line at being called bigot?
Response from Grok AI when asked about “Alfred Kinsey and sex ed in public school”
Describe who is Dr. Money, including resources -GrokAI
Dr. John Money was a prominent psychologist, sexologist, and professor known for his extensive work in human sexual behavior and gender identity. Here's an overview of who he was and some of the resources related to his work:
Biographical Background: Born on July 8, 1921, in New Zealand, John Money emigrated to the United States in 1947 to further his studies at the Psychiatric Institute of the University of Pittsburgh. He later became associated with Johns Hopkins University, where he significantly influenced the fields of psychoendocrinology and developmental sexology.
Key Contributions:
Gender Identity and Role: Money is credited with coining terms like "gender role" and "sexual orientation." He argued that gender identity could be shaped within the first two years of life, advocating for surgical interventions for intersex infants based on this belief.
John/Joan Case: Perhaps one of his most controversial cases involved David Reimer, known as the John/Joan case. Following a botched circumcision, Money advised reassigning Reimer as female. This case was initially cited to support his theories but later criticism arose due to the severe psychological distress Reimer experienced, ultimately rejecting his assigned gender.
Theories and Concepts:
Gender Neutrality: Money's theory suggested that children are born gender-neutral and their gender identity is molded by upbringing and social norms rather than being innately determined by biology alone.
Paraphilia: He popularized this term, which replaced "sexual perversion" in psychiatric literature, indicating a change in how sexual preferences were viewed, from moral judgments to clinical assessments.
Criticism and Controversy:
The Reimer case eventually led to significant ethical and scientific criticisms of Money's methods and theories, particularly concerning his approach to gender reassignment in infants.
His research methods, especially the forced interactions between Reimer and his twin for research purposes, have been widely criticized for ethical breaches.
Despite controversies, Money's work has left a lasting imprint on the fields of psychology and sexology. His concepts continue to be debated and have influenced discussions on gender, sexuality, and identity.
The John Money Collection at the Kinsey Institute includes his archives, reflecting his extensive research and publications, which cover a broad range of topics from clinical sexology to historical analyses of sexual behavior.
Books and Publications: Money authored numerous books, including "The Destroying Angel" which explores the historical context of sexual attitudes, and "Lovemaps" where he discusses sexual development.
Documentaries and Media: His work and its impact are discussed in documentaries like "Every Body" (2023), which examines the long-term effects of his theories on intersex individuals.
Academic Papers: His articles and lectures can be found in various scientific journals, focusing on sexology, psychoendocrinology, and the philosophy of science in sex research.
Dr. John Money's work, while groundbreaking, remains a subject of both admiration for its pioneering spirit and criticism for its ethical implications, especially in how it shaped policies and practices regarding gender and sexuality.
Accurate vocabulary used, as I do believe “programming" is the appropriate word.
SIECUS & Sexual Citizenship are mentioned below from Stanford University. What happens on college & university campuses will influence K-12 schools. Some resources here already exist in K-12.