🏳️⚧️ Trafficking ☭
We often hear a lot this election about ‘morality’ but where's the morality in exploiting children to push a hypersexualized political ideology? This goes beyond malpractice. This is more barbaric than the ritual of child sacrifice. This deviancy of cult gender ritualization leaves children permanently harmed, emotionally & physically scarred, with a pharmaceutical dependency for the rest of their lives!
"It's the issue of our time with both respect to children and women's rights"
Rep DeShanna Neal1 of Delaware’s 13th district PROUDLY brought the first DRAG QUEEN story hour to Delaware's CHILDREN!
DeShana Neal, PRIMARY SPONSOR of Delaware's Transgender Trafficking bill, has two transgender children!2
Neal’s child became the first child in Delaware to receive experimentation surgery via tax-payer expense at Nemours Pediatric “Gender” Clinic.3
"the chance of having a trans child is 1 in 3,000. The chance of having two trans children is then 1 in 9 million."
-Jordan B. Peterson
But “Munchausen by Proxy” is 1 in 10,000!4

McBride has also received the coveted endorsement of rainbow🏳️🌈cult god, Jeffrey Marsh.

This video card really brings it home. Jeffrey loves the kids.
When Jeffrey Marsh, the creep from the video card above, mentions
“…you could be in my family. If you needed to go no-contact or limited contact, I love you very much”
he means that if the parents of the child do not “affirm" their gender to protect them from social & medical experimentation, then the child should disconnect, or go “no-contact" with their family and find an LGBTQ “affirming" family, better known as “Glitter Families".
This is with the explicit intent to break down the family unit, separating a child from their family both emotionally & physically.5
Take notice of the 🔍 magnifying glass next to the photo of McBride. This is “TrevorSpace", a sponsor of Dylan Mulvaney's “365 Days of Girlhood”6
Trevor Project / TrevorSpace is a predatory LGBTQIA++ website for ages 13-24, sometimes listed under the guise of “suicide prevention”. TrevorSpace is a “resource” in many of our schools - even some elementary schools!

Images are thanks to Celeste Fiehler’s thread on TrevorsSpace.7

Gays Against Groomers went undercover on TrevorSpace and “were absolutely shocked at what we found. It's so much worse than anyone could imagine. It's a pedophile's paradise”
TrevorSpace: A Pedophile's Paradise8
November 23, 2022 | RADAR
HB 230 would allow courts to take emergency custody of children who are “unable to transition.”
HB230 would create for zero accountability for child mutilation by shielding medical professionals
It is beyond irresponsible to allow the medical system to prescribe experimental chemicals
Children who struggle with gender dysphoria already suffer from increased risk of suicide, mental health disorders, substance abuse, and other issues.
We should help children accept their own bodies, instead of fast-tracking them toward sterilization and mutilation of their bodies to force them to conform to gender stereotypes.
Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have many unintended negative side effects, permanent sterilization being among them.
Transgender treatments have extreme negative effects that are long-term, including loss of the ability to use reproductive organs as they were intended, permanent sterilization, brittle bones, heart issues, and depression & suicidal thoughts.
of those Child Mutilation Advocates above
is on the ballot this November!
Click HERE to view an image of what the barbaric “Gender Affirming Care” looks like.
Be aware of “School Counselors” who have become LGBTQ activists, providing resources, & even “chest binders” to young students.
‘Gender Affirming Care' is nothing more than a euphemism for the mutilation & experimentation of children. Its intention is not to help children. It is part of a deeper, more insidious agenda to break down the American family.
Dr. Ben Carson recently published a book on that very subject - the attack on the American family.
Two Delaware school districts (that I’m currently aware of) have deceptive policies in place which will hide a child’s “gender transition” from the parents.
Christina School District Policy Statement on Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students
Red Clay School District Board Policy 8005: Transgender & Gender Diverse Students
Here is Christina School District's "Policy Statement on Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students" which I marked up and added context to
Why the name Transgender Trafficking?
It has to do with the bill being crafted in such a way that it makes Delaware a ‘refuge' for child Transgender mutilation & experimentation, by ignoring out of states parent’s consent, & even court ordered subpoenas. Transgender Trafficking shares many similarities with horrors of Sex Trafficking.

The above clip is from the incredible must-see documentary “The War on our Children” by Landon & Robby Starbuck9
These anti-family bills (yes, there are multiple) are crafted after California's AB10710, which, with their democrat supermajority, has passed some of the most egregious legislation ever seen! Maine has recently passed something similar.11
House Bill 346 - An act to give doctors/providers complete immunity to harms caused by performing Transgender surgical & medical experimentation on children
The following clip is a particular telling exchange between Representative Postles12 and Dr. Rebecca Doise.
Postles: “Where specifically in this bill are protections for minors & children listed?”
Doise: “Just for clarity, this bill is about protections for the providers, not, this has nothing to do with the children”
WHAT!! This mic drop moment says all that needs to be said! This bill has EVERYTHING to do with the children!!
Every “Community Health” Provider & 'Gender Clinic' $upported HB346.
I know - $ho¢ker, right?
When there is no risk, there can ONLY be reward! The Trans-Pharmaceutical industry is a multi-BILLION dollar a year industry!
It creates a lifelong dependency on pharmaceuticals. 💊
HB346 has been PASSED out of the house Health & Human Development committee and is now ready for a vote to become law!
, author of the incredibly insightful book "Gender Distress: Tips & Tools for Families"13 gave testimony at the hearing for HB346.Other Bills
Senate Bill 106 intends to redefine words & erase woman!
We must not ‘Californicate’ our Delaware!

What they say here is absolute truth! Schools have been the main perpetrators of harmful ‘gender theory’ indoctrination, along with the hyperexposure of sexualized content on television, books, social media, public services, & every other facet of everyday life, including the church.
“I am not just grasping at extremes, but making a point that should be obvious: If we decide what we will or will not condone in the realm of human sexuality without the benefit of a set standard, there is no limit to the levels of debauchery and chaos into which we will sink.”
-Voddie Baucham Jr, It’s Not Like Being Black, pages 123-124
🏳️🌈•Warning to the Homophobes•🏳️⚧️
September 1, 1987 | The Advocate
-Steve Warren14
We expect and demand the same commitment to us that you made to blacks and to woman, though their suffering has not been as great as ours.
My friends over at CourageIsAHabit.org has a wealth of toolkits & resources available.
“Do No Harm” just released their epic ‘Stop The Harm’ database. A database of all US hospitals performing Genital Mutilation & Experimentation procedures on children!
The child trans industry is a lucrative one💰💰💰:
Between 2019 and 2023, hospitals submitted more than $100 MILLION in claims for these *experimental treatments on children*.
During this time:
➡️ 13,994 CHILDREN were given irreversible and damaging gender treatments at U.S. based medical facilities.
➡️ 5,747 children underwent a sex-change surgical procedure.
➡️ 8,579 children received cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers.
➡️ Over 60K prescriptions for these drugs were written for children.
BOTTOM LINE: Over 90% of children with gender dysphoria will grow out of that belief during their adolescent and young adult years.
Almost 14,000 children throughout the United States were NOT given that option. It is time to #StopTheHarm.

“If you don’t stand your ground, then all that happens is people push you backwards. And they will push you, and push you, and push you, until you fall off a cliff.” -Jordan B. Peterson
Munchausen syndrome [by proxy] (factitious disorder imposed on another) is where you act like the person you’re caring for (a child, a disabled individual, or an older person, for example) has a physical or mental illness while the person is not actually sick. They lie about symptoms, sabotage medical tests (like putting blood in their urine), or even harm a dependent to get the symptoms. This is a form of child or elder abuse.
Diagnosing and treating Munchausen syndrome is difficult because of the person’s dishonesty.
A 14-year-old transgender runaway from Virginia endured a six-month nightmare that saw her twice fall into the hands of sex traffickers, the second time after Baltimore bureaucrats refused to return her to her home state because they accused her adoptive parents of “misgendering” her
Dylan Mulvaney announces “365 Days of ‘Girlhood”
Please reach out to Rep Postles and let him know your appreciation for his pro-family commitment.
Postles was also a sponsor of SRC206, a Senate Resolution which establishes the Delaware Restoring the Family Unit Task Force, which was voted down in the senate by a vote of 6 to 12!
Steve Warren wrote a message published in The Advocate on September 1, 1987 titled 🏳️🌈•Warning to the Homophobes•🏳️⚧️
Warren explains the Bible needs to be manipulated to support homosexuality. Such dishonest approaches are seen further in the recent Queen James Bible which flagrantly distorts Scripture to favor homosexuality.
Steve Warren is an LGBTQ right activist and a member of the '78ers, a group of people who marched in the first Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in June 1978 or were involved in demonstrations for LGBTQ rights around the same time.
"...now the tide has turned. We at last have "come out," and in so doing we have exposed the mean-spirited nature of Judeo-Christian morality.
You have been narrow-minded and self-righteous. But with the help of a growing number of your own membership, we are going to force you to recant everything you have believed or said about sexuality.
Here are some of the things you will be expected to affirm in the process of renouncing love, marriage, and family:
Henceforth, homosexuality will be spoken of in your churches and synagogues as an "honorable estate."
You can either let us marry people of the same sex, or better yet, abolish marriage altogether.
You will be expected to offer ceremonies to bless our sexual arrangements, whether or not you retain marriage as something to celebrate in your churches. You will also instruct your young people in homosexuality as well as homosexual behavior, and you will go out of your way to make certain that homosexual youths are allowed to date, attend religious functions together, openly display affection, and enjoy each others' sexuality without embarrassment or guilt.
If any of the older people in your midst object, you will deal with them sternly, making certain they renounce their ugly and ignorant homophobia or suffer public humiliation.
You will also make certain that all of the prestige and resources of your institutions are brought to bear on the community, so laws are passed forbidding discrimination against homosexuals and heavy punishments assessed. We expect and demand the same commitment to us that you made to blacks and to woman, though their suffering has not been as great as ours.
Finally, we will in all likelihood want to expunge numbers of passages of your scriptures and rewrite others, eliminating preferential treatment of marriage and using words that will allow for homosexual intrepations of passages describing biblical lovers such as Ruth and Boaz or Solomon and Queen of Sheba.
⚠️ Warning: If all these things come to pass quickly, we will subject orthodox Jews and Christians to the most sustained hatred and Vilification in recent memory. We have captured the liberal establishment and the press. We have already beaten you on a number of battlefields. And we have the spirit of age on our side. You have neither the strength to fight us nor the will, so you might as well surrender now."