On September 28, 2023 the Caesar Rodney Institute, along with Americans for Prosperity held an Education Freedom Event down at the Wilmington waterfront.
“The goal was to reach families in some of the worst-performing schools – including several in Wilmington – to let them know how their schools are performing academically and to give them an opportunity to take action to help improve student’s outcomes”
—Tanya Hettler; Director of the ‘Center for Education Excellence’ at Caesar Rodney Institute
Various education related organizations throughout Delaware were in attendance for this inaugural event. Aside from the organizations hosting the event, Caesar Rodney Institute & Americans for Prosperity, also in attendance were
Most importantly, the Delaware residents showed up!
“The first step in creating Delaware-led solutions is to have open, honest and transparent conversations about the challenges and opportunities facing our schools”
—Julia Keleher; executive director of First State Educate
Each table was adorned with a bag where attendees can write down questions they wish to ask the speakers, as well as individual school's academic proficiency results printed from Delaware Report Card, a Delaware Dept. of Education run accountability website.

Are you aware that some of Delaware's Elementary, Middle, & High Schools contain less than 10% of students who can read, write, and understand arithmetic at grade level?

The combined Math proficiency in all eight of the schools shown above equals a failing 46.09% proficiency!!
Education Freedom event highlights importance of bipartisanship1
October 6, 2023 | Delaware Live
A lot of the meeting consisted of encouraging the audience to get in touch with state legislators to support three bills: the Single-Digit Proficiency Bill to require a plan to improve the lowest-performing schools; the School Profile Bill to make information to compare schools more accessible to parents; and the Education Right to Know Act to give parents easier access to the curriculum and materials being used in their students’ classes.
“When we focus on VALUES, not POLITICS, we will realize just how much we share in common.”
—James Ingrassia
⭐The Speakers⭐
Those who were unable to attend the September Education Freedom forum are now able to view the presentations on the Citizens For Delaware Schools You Tube Channel.
Each video contains information and insights that will help you understand the challenges to and possible solutions for improving public education.
Segments touch on academic achievement, school discipline and safety, student and teacher absenteeism, parental involvement and new models for the delivery of education to meet the individual needs of each student.
Brandon Brice, vice president for college relations at Cecil College was MC of the event.
Delaware Public Schools: Tops in Spending, Bottom in Academic Performance
Dr. Tanya Hettler of the Caesar Rodney Institute explores the current state of public education in Wilmington, Delaware. She looks at how math and reading proficiency appears to be unrelated to spending and poses the question: why are we not getting better results for the money?
School Safety: Restoring Order in the Classroom
Dr. Beth Conaway, a retired school administrator at school districts in southern Delaware, talks about the struggle to maintain order in the classroom in today's world.
Parental Involvement and School Accountability: Steps in the Right Direction
Britney Mumford, Executive Director of Delaware CAN, discusses legislative steps that are taking Delaware public schools in the right direction of improving their academic performance.
The Shocking Truth About Student and Teacher Absenteeism
State Representative Ruth Briggs King (DE37) provides an insightful analysis of student and teacher absenteeism. Without both students and teachers showing up, learning isn't happening. Rep. Briggs King closes with suggestions for what we can do to help.
The Importance of a Two-Parent Home to their Child's Education
Victor and Founder of Wrong Speak Publishing, delivered a powerful testimonial about the importance of a nuclear family to their children succeeding in education. You can buy his book at Amazon if you like what you hear. (Free ebook version included with KindleUnlimited)
An Innovative Approach to Education
Rachelle Engen, Senior Policy Analyst for Foundational Education and Ross Connelly, Northeast Regional State Director for Americans for Prosperity, present an ambitious and innovative approach to the current U.S. education system that has outlived its purpose.