Increased Education Spending not producing Educated Students
Return on Investment Versus Failure - Your Tax Dollars Funding Failed Education
Increased Education Spending not producing Educated Students1
December 30th, 2022 | CRI Center For Education Excellence
In this article Dr. Hettler not only shows the misappropriation of Delaware residents’ property tax, but outlines steps that can be taken right now to course correct our current trajectory of educational bankruptcy.
I do use the word misappropriation intentionally, as I believe that Delaware Government has irresponsibly and purposefully misused public funds “for one’s own personal gain” - which is to push an ideological socialist agenda over Independence, Individualism, Entrepreneurship, & Academic Achievement.
Difference Between Theft and Misappropriation
While theft and misappropriation may sound like they are one and the same, there is actually a difference between theft and misappropriation. Mainly, theft involves actively taking something that belongs to someone else. With misappropriation, there is no direct stealing of property per se. Instead, the information, money, or property tends to fall into the person’s lap, and rather than remaining trustworthy with it, he abuses it for his own personal purposes.
Definition of “Misappropriation” from
In the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data from 2020, as provided in the report "K-12 Education Spending Spotlight: An in-depth look at school finance data and trends" released by the Reason Foundation, Delaware ranked 13th in the nation in the increase in education spending over the period from 2002-2020. This reflects an increase in Delaware per pupil spending of 29% from $13,387 to $17,235 (inflation-adjusted).
In 2022, Delaware tied for the worst educational performance out of all 50 states when considering Delaware's rankings in both math and reading for the 4th and 8th grades. While Delaware spends like other Northeastern states, Delaware students' test scores are tied with West Virginia and Oklahoma for dead last. It really can't get any worse.

Delaware Scores Plummet in the Latest NAEP Test Results2
November 3, 2022 | CRI Center For Education Excellence
Caesar Rodney Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan, and Delaware-based public policy think tank committed to protecting individual liberties.