Innocence Under Siege
An Expert Discussion on the Dangers That Gender Ideology Presents to Children
»»Innocence Under Siege««
Join No Left Turn in Education for a discussion on the harms of gender ideology in K-12 education.
The event will be held in Malvern PA. Exact location will be provided 2 days prior to event.
Tickets can be purchased through TicketLeap1
I will discuss this event in more detail at the end of this post, but first take a moment and listen to why such an event like this is even necessary.
West Chester Area School District board meeting
October 2022
Concerned parents show up in protest of the discovered elementary school training2 which introduces kindergarteners to transgenderism.
District resident & No Left Turn in Education3 Chapter Leader addresses the West Chester Area school board. He propositioned them the opportunity to hold an assembly, at no cost to the district, on the harms gender ideology has on such young, impressionable, children.
This assembly would be held by two individuals who so generously offered their time to speak to students and staff about their personal lived experience of transgenderism & the gender ideology.
The district DENIED!
More on the above can be read here.4
From that refusal, suppressing an opposing viewpoint from being heard on a topic so consequential & critical to a child’s well being, created the necessity for a platform to where their voices can be heard.
That platform is »»Innocence Under Siege««
Many people are unaware of the sexualization and manipulation of today’s youth. While these claims may sound bold, they only scratch the surface of the constant bombardment of hyper sexualization infused into society. Allow me to share with you some alarming examples of the depravity at hand, and please use this as a resource to highlight & show others what they may be completely unaware of.
The hyper-sexualization of children has gone unchallenged for so long that it has become flagrant & rampant among society!

Pennsylvania English Teacher Says His Sex Ed Course Is Designed to 'Desensitize Children' to Sexual Imagery and Genitalia5
February 20, 2023 | Red State
Pennsylvania’s Lower Merion school district REQUIRES staff to withhold information about a students gender identity from parents. They also say teachers can privately ask the student how they’d like to be addressed when speaking with their parents or legal guardians.

This Quaker Sex Ed Teacher Says Your Kids Need to Be Porn-Literate6
June 1, 2018 | Philly Magazine

The indoctrination starts young. It is repetitive, and relentless. In this NC daycare training video, these grooming teachers are so excited that the children said non-binary “all by themselves”, with one teacher immediately following that with “it is just a huge testament to how much we’ve been talking about it in the classroom”
These people are entrusted with other peoples children, and that trust is being broken. It is not that these kids being manipulated with sexualization & gender ideology “know this to be true”, it is the fact that these people in a position of trust tell them what is to be true!
If you constantly tell a child bacon comes from a tree, a duck can meow, a train can fly, and boys can be girls, they will believe all four!

Here is a story of a mother who writes of regret at
explaining how she and her wife bought into the "gender neutral" ideology, causing mental anguish to their oldest child. Thankfully the couple realized the harm being caused before any permanent physical abuse was committed.“I thought my 4 year old was transgender. I was wrong”
“I Feel Like I Am Leaving A Cult”
When I look back at this, it is almost too much to write about. The grief and the shock of what we did is so deep, so wide, so sharp and penetrating. How could a mother do this to her child? To her children? I truly believed that what I was doing was pure, right and good, only to later realize with horror what it could have lead to for my child. This horror still shakes me to my core.

At what point do we hold those deviants accountable for distributing graphic pornography to minors? And for what purpose?
The suffering associated with the reliance on pharmaceuticals is rarely ever discussed. There is no informed consent. It is this suffering which contributes to the depression & even suicide8 of those who undergo this transformation.
There are more than 100 pediatric gender clinics across the U.S. I worked at one. What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling.
Is 2023 the year that trans goes BUST? Nearly 100 bills across 27 states target puberty blockers and other 'gender-affirming' interventions - and they're backed by voters9
February 26, 2023 | The Daily Mail
Rachel Levine emails reveal push to PROFIT on ‘gender clinics’ at Children’s Hospitals10
February 17, 2023 | Twitchy
Public Records show Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital asking Rachel Levine for help to show the revenue stream / Return on Investment (ROI) for a Gender Clinic Social Worker to work at the imminent gender clinic. Need I remind you that this is the children’s hospital!
Levine replies by offering to share the profit model used by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)!
There is LOTS of money to be made in the business of genital mutilation, chemical castration drugs (hormone blockers), and cross-sex hormones.

Can also be read in an easy to read ThreadReader11 format for those not on Twitter.
Also said by ‘Admiral’ Rachel Levin:
(who is no more an Admiral than a biological woman)
“If I transitioned when I was young I wouldn’t have my children” — ‘Admiral’ Rachel Levine

One of the speakers at the above “Innocence Under Siege” event is herself, a victim to the gender ideology cult.
Chloe Cole

Chloe Cole is an 18 year old de-transitioned female and Children’s Safety Advocate from California’s Central Valley. Chloe transitioned from a girl to a boy at the tender age of 14. At 16, she began detransitioning. Chloe now travels the country to share her experience, what influenced her to transition, the medical and mental health realities of the transition that were intentionally kept from her, and what led her to detransition.
Chloe is now suing the hospitals & physicians responsible for coercing her to cause irreversible harm to her body.
Teen sues hospitals, physicians over 'coercing' her into 'medical mutilation' via gender transitioning12
February 25, 2023 | The Blaze
Sara Higdon
A freedom loving, transsexual Libertarian, and distinguished Seven Year Army Veteran who transitioned from male to female as an adult. Sara served as a Logistics Officer and was awarded the Bronze Star after returning from deployment in Afghanistan. She is now the Communications Director for Trans Against Groomers, hosts the Transform to Freedom podcast, and travels the country speaking out against Radical Gender Ideology in K-12 Education.
Dr. Elana Fishbein
The Founder and President of No Left Turn in Education. After discovering divisive racial education in her children's public school, Dr. Fishbein created No Left Turn in Education in the living room of her home. The mission of No Left Turn in Education is to revive in American education the fundamental discipline of objective thinking by educating, empowering, and engaging students, parents, and community, emphasizing the role of the parent as the primary custodian and authority of their child.
Tami Harrlaub
A Forensic Nurse Examiner from York county, with over 30 years of experience in the nursing field. As a Forensic Nurse Examiner, Tami provides forensic examinations for adult and child victims of sexual and physical assault, including victims of human trafficking. She also provides testimony as an expert and fact witness in a court of law during hearings and trials regarding sexual and physical assault. Tami's work also includes presenting specialized trainings and workshops at conferences, hospitals, and universities throughout the country.
Other egregious examples of the predatory violation of a child’s innocence can be found here - Sexualization of Innocence 🫃👠