An epidemic has besieged our nation. A social contagion of life-changing consequence. This condition is known as rapid-onset gender dysphoria1 (ROGD), of which the ‘treatment’ can cause permanent mental and physical harm to children.
…these are the same people who insist that five-year-olds use anatomically accurate terms, not childish nicknames, for their genitals. They soberly instruct us to teach the words “scrotum” and “vulva” to kindergarteners. But the vague, trivial-sounding terms “top” and “bottom” surgeries—that language is fine. As if the consequences of those major operations—infertility, sexual dysfunction, infection, and chronic pelvic pain, to name a few—aren’t permanent and debilitating.2
Behind Closed Doors: Schools Keeping Gender Transitions Secret from Parents
"What are your pronouns?" is now a common question heard in public school classrooms. Some schools have even set up "gender affirming closets" so students can change clothes at school without parental knowledge.
Making the Leap Podcast; Episode 26, 9/26/2023
Unlike children typically diagnosed with gender dysphoria, these kids did not, prior to puberty, exhibit any (or only exhibited very few) of the readily observable, hard-to-miss indicators that would need to be present to meet criteria for a diagnosis. For example, it would be hard not to notice if a child had a strong preference or strong rejection of specific toys, games and activities, or a strong preference for playmates of the other gender.
—Lisa Littman
Where is this sudden surge of gender dysphoria coming from? What are the possible motives for this phenomenon? Why are there no long term studies of how children are affected by cross-sex hormones and ‘puberty blockers’ [for children] despite there being evidence of irreversible harm? Instead, there is only a societal fast-track approach to ‘affirm’ a child's chosen gender. All those who dissent from that hurried path are labeled “hatefull bigots”.

Trans-rights activist groups like the Human Rights Campaign claim that “cross-sex hormones or gender-affirming hormones” (note the avoidance of “anabolic steroids” terminology) are safe in young people under medical supervision, despite these drugs lacking FDA approval for gender dysphoria.
Internal documents from medical university gender affirming care clinics contradict the claims that cross-sex hormones are safely monitored, however. North Carolina medical systems expanded drug treatments for sex changes outside the realm of specialists and infused it into primary care training.3
Jennifer Bilek in an investigative journalist who has been following the money behind the transexual movement.
The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)4
June 14, 2022 | Tablet
The following screenshots are from the second edition of the National Sex Education Standards (NSES) to update sex ed curricula in K-12 schools.

The NSES manual was crafted by The Future of Sex Education Initiative (FoSE) and funded by the Grove Foundation, which in turn has also worked with the David and Lucile Packard Foundation (of Hewlett-Packard fortune) and Ford Foundation to institute Working to Institutionalize Sex Education (WISE)—“A national initiative that supports school districts in implementing sex education”—throughout the country.

As of 2022, there are 1.6 million 2023 there are 2.6 million American adults who identify as transgender. The number of ‘Non-Binary’ students in New Jersey has increased 4,000% since 2019.5 Gender Dysphoria was once considered a mental illness.
Today it is blindly supported with very expensive surgeries and powerful drugs. Testosterone, Estrogen and Puberty Blockers have not been approved by the FDA for gender transitioning. These powerful drugs are being prescribed off-label. Is this all motivated by money? Could it be, there is an effort by the powers that be, to curve reproduction? Does the suicide rate go up post surgery? Chris Moritz has done a thorough investigation into the Transgender movement within America. Let's hear the statistics.
Tucker Carlson sat down with Chris Moritzto to discuss the growing industry of genital mutilation and other transgender issues in a fascinating interview titled Transgender Inc.
Timestamped chapters
01:11 - Transgenderism: not a fad
02:49 - Sex changes: a big money maker
05:44 - Puberty blockers
15:22 - Trans surgeries: the grisly details
16:40 - Injuries
18:00 - What happened to FGM?
19:00 - Muslims & Sex Changes
20:15 - Thanks, Obama
23:19 - Behold the neophallus
27:23 - Eunuchs
29:30 - The Trans Pritzker
31:00 - Trans Marxism
36:30 - Who’s profiting?
38:10 - ESG for trans
39:47 - Long-term effects
I have provided a few short clips below
No Long-Term Clinical Studies
“The FDA has not approved a single pharmaceutical product used in gender transition specifically for gender transitions”
Transgenderism & The Affordable Care Act
“I would say that the biggest single policy catalyst for this explosion is Obamacare. When ObamaCare was enacted in 2010,” a provision was “very quietly” written “into the law.”
Doctors Guidance Set By Pro-trans Political Organizations
The United States Professional Association for Transgender Health (USPath) and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPath) sets guidance that most American doctors adhere to.
A Clinical Psychologist, former U.S. WPath Chapter President, who they themselves lives life as a trans-woman, was ousted for making a public statement that “she believed that the industry was moving way too fast and there was sloppy medicine and propensity for false positives in adolescence, resulting in potentially irreversible changes for these kids.” As a result of this statement, WPath forced her to resign and then issued a moratorium on all of its board members from ever speaking to the press.
Trans-Marxism ☭
"Corporate America gets their marching orders from HR departments. HR departments get their marching orders from universities...and even these medical associations and boards, WPath included, have strong affiliations with universities" and "these ideas...coming out of universities."
"There's many, many reasons why. I would argue it's a kind of extension of postmodernist cultural Marxism, because transgenderism, if we're looking at it philosophically, is ultimately about rejecting what is a foundational principle, philosophical and Western civilization, which goes back to Aristotle, that there is such a thing as objective truth and reality...but transgenderism is to say, there is no such thing as an objective reality that you are born a male or female. It is your subjective perception of your gender identity that is actualized and made real. And where it becomes kind of authoritarian as a movement in the fact that the movement demands society recognize that subjective reality as truth."
ESG for Trans - Health, Equity & Inclusion (HEI)
"Human Rights Campaign about 15 years ago established this national benchmarking tool, and it effectively is an equity and inclusion gauge for health systems, and it is used coercively."
"...examples of that would be that in 2020, the Children's National Hospital received a low HEI score. As a result of that, the Board of directors of the hospital immediately established a DEI subcommittee and then extended sex reassignment surgery coverage to all of their employees and their dependents under the age of 18. The next year, children's National Hospital received 100%."
"The political radicalization and the gender radicalization are both coming from the universities, and they both have the same end goals, which is to break down the foundations of our country and of our civilization as we have established for millennia, to replace it with something new in their image. And it is a kind of playing God, and it's a kind of cultural revolution that I think even has some parallels to the China's cultural Revolution."
You can watch the full video of the above interview here on X.
You can read a brief summary here.6

Xi Van Fleet found her calling selflessly sharing her story of observing first hand the horrors of Mao's Cultural Revolution and the many parallels to what is happening in America today.
Listen to Xi Van Fleet give testimony to those parallels in a recording of Friday night's X-space (formerly Twitter-space) hosted by Freedom in Education.7
Just to reiterate, ALL gender transition drugs used today DO NOT have an FDA approval specific to transitioning. All drugs are prescribed off-label, NON-FDA approved use.
To be clear, it is perfectly legal for a doctor in the American medical system to prescribe a drug for off-label use to treat a condition other than the drugs intended purpose.
For example, Trelstar was FDA approved for treatment of advanced prostate cancer to suppress the production of testosterone, and is prescribed off-label to suppress puberty in young children.
All the while during the Covid, the Federal government made every possible effort to kill off any off-label use to treat Covid. Did you know that the Covid shot could not receive “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) if an early treatment was available?8 🤔
Doctor admits research is ‘severely lacking’ on impacts of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers, requests grant funding for study: Report9
October 16, 2023 | Blaze Media
Make no mistake. Emotional trauma plays a huge role in those who identify as non-binary or transexual.
November 14, 2023 | Epoch Times
Littman L (2018) [PLoS ONE] Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: A study of parental reports
An Interview With Lisa Littman, Who Coined the Term ‘Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria’
March 19, 2019 | Quillette
Following publication, Dr. Littman and her study became the subject of intense criticism from some activists, who accused the author of spreading misconceptions about transgender people and employing biased methods. In response to this criticism, PLOS ONE initiated a re-review of Dr. Littman’s paper. This week, following the recent conclusion of that review, a modified version of Dr. Littman’s paper was published by PLOS ONE. And both Dr. Littman and PLOS One have released statements. According to the Notice of Republication, “Other than the addition of a few missing values in Table 13, the Results section is unchanged in the updated version of the article. The Competing Interests statement and the Data Availability statement have also been updated in the revised version.”
The specific group dynamics of mocking “outsiders” and praising “insiders” that has been observed in treatment settings for patients with anorexia seemed consistent with anecdotes I was hearing parents describe about their children’s friend groups regarding transgender-identification.
The Moral Atrocity of “Top Surgery”
Do surgeons obtain truly informed consents for life-altering procedures on minors?
February 25, 2022 | City Journal
Number of 'Non-Binary' Students in New Jersey Up 4,000 Percent Since 2019
41 of 675 self-identified ‘non-binary’ students are in elementary school, state enrollment figures show