Abuse Thrives on Secrecy. Adults Shall Never Keep a Secret from a Child's Parents!!
NJ State sues school districts - forcing them to secretly validate gender transition- essentially declaring children wards of the state!
This is something that must not be overlooked. A clear precedent has been set, and it is truly disturbing. Let it be known that New Jersey has made it official - your children become wards of the state that very moment you put them on that bus or drop them off at the doors of the government education institution.
This is not isolated to New Jersey schools. Many school districts already have these policies in place that parents may be unaware of.
A Parents Defending Education Investigation from earlier this year lists school districts with ‘Transgender/Gender Non-conforming Student Policies’. That is Policies that openly state that district personnel can or should keep a student’s transgender status hidden from parents.
Christina School District & Red Clay School Districts are two Delaware districts that have ‘Transgender/Gender Non-conforming Student Policies’.

Two out of the three schools sued by the state do not have a high school in their district. To make matters even worse, Manalapan School District's policy on notifying parents on ‘gender transitions’ only applies to pre-k through 5th grade!
Better said, the state of New Jersey is suing a school district because they said that they would notify a parent if their elementary school student wishes to become someone or something other than the little boy or girl the parent sent them to school as.
This is the only version of this video still available online. All the rest have been Clintoned.1
This video is clipped from Jewfy Talks: source
New Jersey’s Manalapan-Englishtown, Marlboro and Middletown school districts board instituted a policy to where the parents of a student must be notified if their child decides to transform into another gender.
The state was granted a preliminary injunction which legally demands the schools not enforce the notification policy they put in place.
The number of students in New Jersey public schools who identify as "non-binary" jumped more than 4,000 percent over the last four years, according to state enrollment data.2
New Jersey’s Governor Phil Murphey’s (D) administration sued those school districts over their rules prohibiting teachers from secretly validating students’ ‘gender transitions’.
On August 18, 2023 Judge David Bauman of the Superior Court of NJ issued an order based upon the request from the NJ Attorney General Matt Platkin (D) & Sundeep Iyer, Director of the NJ Division on Civil Rights to block the above 3 school districts from enforcing their parental rights policy of notifying parents in the situation where their child desires to be called by a different name and pronouns.
In the case of Marlboro Public School District, their amended policy specifically mentions that “because Marlboro Public School District is a PreK-8 District with no high schools, the board believes that greater parental involvement is required because of the age and maturity level of it’s student-body”
Manalapan Public School Districts, another PreK-8 District with no high schools, specifically excludes 6-8 grade stating "for grades 6 through 8, the school district shall accept a student's asserted gender identity; parental consent is not required."
The entire Docket (.pdf) of the Marlboro Public School District, as well as highlighted excerpts are shown further below.
Original story here 👇
June 23, 2023 | Daily Caller
The NJ Public Education Coalition is a “non-partisan group of educators, administrators, municipal leaders, parents, and concerned citizens who seek to protect our public schools and communities from right-wing extremism.”
What is so “right-wing" and “extreme” about parents knowing what is going on in their child's life?
Parental Rights!
Everyone must be aware of the Marxist tactic of changing / evolving language. The very words “Parental Rights" are seen by the trans-cultists as “right-wing" and oppressive. How did we get here? How did we get to a point where the very foundation of parental rights are being eroded on the very ground we stand on?
That's easy. You stand by and do nothing as your values and principals are washed away!
What have people been afraid of? Being labeled a bigot? A racist? A transphobe? No one wants to be called those vile terms, and more importantly, no one wants to associate with anyone who represents those abhorrent views. So what do they do when they know you go nowhere near those despicable words? They change, erode, & dilute the very definition of those hateful views to bring the words to you!
Do you believe marriage is between a man & a woman? That's homophobic.
Do you believe all children have the capacity to succeed, regardless of ethnicity? That's racist.
Do you believe that just because someone may believe that they are the opposite sex, it does not mean that they ARE the opposite sex? That's transphobic.
What I find equally disturbing is the constant comparison to the Civil Rights movement. The movement during a time of Jim Crow & segregation. A disgraceful time in America's history where people could not drink out of the same water fountain because of what they looked like. A time where police did not respond to calls due to someone’s skin color. A time where people stood up in unity against systemic racism to demand equal rights & individual liberties for all human beings.
What gay or transexual person has been denied access to a water fountain or told to walk through another door just to enter the same room? Not allowing a young “girl with a penis” to get changed in front of other young girls has nothing to do with equal rights or our God-given rights.
Jackie Robinson persevered as one of the first Black Americans to play in Major League Baseball in the Modern Era3
I do not see that same inspirational story of perseverance and barriers broken with Lia Thomas.
Judge Bauman only had to decide if Middletown, Marlboro and Manalapan could implement their transgender student policies while the cases against them are resolved in court. He was not asked to decide the legality of their transgender policies.
Judge Blocks New Jersey Schools From Notifying Parents About Child's Gender Identity
August 20, 2023 | OutKick
So, in short, the schools must NOT tell the parents if their child secretly wants to be called the opposite sex (or something else entirely), go by a different name, different ‘pronouns', or any other deception necessary for the adults at the school to keep the secret from the parents.
"The Middletown Township Board of Education and Middletown Public School District are hereby preliminarily enjoined and restrained from any portion of policy 5756, and are further directed to preserve the status quo until a separate administrative complaint filed on June 21 is resolved,"
I have read through the entire docket and annotated the most critical parts of what is essentially ‘the state' versus ‘the parents'. The full 22 page .pdf can be download below as well.

There are many households that raise their children to not keep secrets. I happen to be a parent in one of those “no secret" households, with the exception for the occasional surprise or prank. 😁
No adult should ever tell a child to keep a secret from their parents!!
From This Time of Mine’s Building Character guide The Truth About Secrets:

If you only need one reason to keep kids away from secrets, let this be it. I listed it first on purpose.
Secrets are the KEY ingredient to abuse. You see, when kids are taught to keep secrets, they’re much more likely to keep even the dangerous ones. Here are 4 scenarios in which secrets can be dangerous for children:
Abuse from peers. When it comes to physical, emotional, or sexual abuse – or even showing inappropriate things, kids will hear things like “don’t tell anyone or…”
Abuse from adults. Abuse thrives on secrecy. Predators will often groom kids by starting with small, seemingly innocent secrets like “let’s keep this treat our little secret…”
Friends in danger. If a child discovers another child in danger, they may be pressured to keep it a secret. But doing so only allows the harm to continue.
Other dangerous situations. Children can get caught in dangerous situations due to peer pressure or their own bad choices. But keeping it secret can make the situation worse, especially if they need help.
That falls in line with what I remember being taught in school as a kid.
Pro-State 'rights' vs Pro-Parent Rights. Washington State Has Gone Crazy!
Pennsylvania Elementary School Training Introduces Kindergarteners to Transgenderism
Number of 'Non-Binary' Students in New Jersey Up 4,000 Percent Since 2019
41 of 675 self-identified ‘non-binary’ students are in elementary school, state enrollment figures show
June 19, 2023 | The Washington Free Beacon