All events are free!
September 22
September 28
September 30
Friday, September 22
Crossroad Community Church welcomes Dr. Ben Carson as he discusses the American Cornerstone Institute's Little Patriots program.
Thursday, September 28
Academic performance and Spending
Dr. Tanya Hettler, CRI
Discipline, Violence and Bullying
Dr. Beth Conoway, retired school administrator
Teacher Shortages & Student Absenteeism
Representative Ruth Briggs King
Parental Involvement
Adam Coleman, author of "Black Victim to Black Victor"
Britney Mumford, DelawareCAN
School Choice
Brandon Brice, administrator at Cecil College, Grant Hewitt, Stand Together, & Ross Connolly, AFP
Saturday, September 30
Did you know that Hartiet Tubman's real name was Araminta Ross?
Schooling Delaware in collaboration with No Left Turn in Education will be launching "Reading for Liberty" story hour for kids.
Bring your children for an educational story book reading.
This event will be held at the Route 9 Library & Innovation Center.
Book reading will be held in the Bookatarium
September 30
11:00am - 12-15pm
Snacks will be provided.
Be sure to check out the Lego room and build on the walls!
We will be reading Heroes of Liberty: Harriet Tubman, followed by an episode of Tuttle Twins cartoon featuring Harriet Tubman, time permitting.
Everyone is sure to learn something new!