Delaware's Trojan Horse to put 'Mental Health Professionals' in all Government Schools
Create a Trans-sanctuary state, and legitimize asexual & pansexual beings
Table of Contents
HB200 - The Trojan Horse to Bring ‘Medical Professionals’ In Delaware’s Public Schools
House Bill 275 - Including Asexuality and Pansexuality under sexual orientation
Our Delaware legislator’s sexual self indulgence and rabid promotion of gender theory has become a threat to parental ability to protect their children from harm.
Let me make my stance very clear:
Black, White, Gay, Straight, or even something we haven't heard of yet, are all represented by the American flag! What someone chooses to do to their body as an adult is their business.
That all stops when that ideology is pushed upon innocent, impressionable children! Gender ideology is Marxist ideology.
Marxist ideology challenges traditional societal structures. Both ideologies aim to deconstruct established norms, including those related to gender roles, family structures, and power dynamics.
Gender ideology attempts to reshape societal values.
It relies upon a breakdown of the nuclear family. These publicly funded Marxist indoctrinators in our institutions are akin to a wild pack of hyenas.1
There are multiple bills drafted in the Delaware legislature that will be coming up this legislative session that are antithetical to the values of many Delawareans.
Delaware Family Policy Council, a staunch advocate for parental rights2 provides easy to comprehend legislative updates using their Legislative Tracking Tool.
A special thank you to Nandi Randolph for her detailed, easy to understand policy analyses.
☠️We must not go down the path of California!☠️
These bills all share a common goal which
put children in harms way
push political ideology
erode parental rights
expand the role of the state
✦Senate Bill 106 intends to erase woman!3
which is ironic given that the house recently passed HCR 9 & HCR 12 designating March 8 as WOMAN'S Day and celebrating the leadership & achievements of WOMEN. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
✦HCR 31 designates March 31 as Transgender Day of Visibility6
HB200 - The Trojan Horse to Bring ‘Medical Professionals’ In Delaware’s Public Schools
An Act to Amend TITLE 14 of the Delaware Code Related to School-Based Mental Health Services
There must be no doubt that this bill, which establishes “Mental Health Professionals” in Delaware’s government schools, will be weaponized against the children and their parents to push a dangerous ideology, not to mention the hefty price tag to be paid for by the Delaware tax payers.
House Bill 200 will put put Mental Health Professionals* into Delaware public schools
*there is no doubt that transgenderism will be a leading diagnosis
Primary Sponsor
Rep. Longhurst (Democrat 15th)
Additional Sponsors
Sen. Pinkney (Democrat 13th)
Rep. Heffernan (Democrat 6th)
Rep. Minor-Brown (Democrat 17th)
Rep. Smith (Democrat 22nd)
Rep. Romer (Democrat 25th)
Sen. Gay (Democrat 5th)
Sen. Hansen (Democrat 10th)
Sen. Hoffner (Democrat 14th)
Sen. Huxtable (Democrat 6th)
Sen. Mantzavinos (Democrat 7th)
Sen. McBride (Democrat 1st)
Sen. Sturgeon (Democrat 4th)
Rep. Chukwuocha (Democrat 1st)
Rep. Hensley (Republican 9th)
Rep Hilovsky (Republican 4th)
Rep. Moore (Democrat 8th)
Rep. Morrison (Democrat 27th)
Rep. Osienski (Democrat 24th)
Rep. Selby (Democrat 20th)
Many of you may have seen this advertisement on your computer screen. There has been a massive ad campaign for inseparable pushing for HB200 to pass.
Inseparable wants to be in YOUR child’s school to provide “Mental Health Services’. It’s a lucrative business!
While this may seem innocuous, maybe even beneficial, make no mistake that this is a trojan horse! It will be hijacked to push a political agenda. The executive director, Brian Bond4, also happens to be executive director of PFLAG, an LGBTQ organization that supports “gender affirming care" for minors.
There is no doubt that this "mental health support" will actually manipulate & confuse young children who are already suffering from the isolation & learning loss caused by the Covid lockdowns.
In fact, coupled with HB230, would allow courts to take emergency custody of children who are “unable to transition.” This equates “failure to transition” with abuse and abandonment. Loving parents who don’t want to rush their children into a life-alerting medical decision should not be in fear of losing custody of their children!
Below are posts shared by PFLAG considering affirmation of dysphoria necessary & life-saving.
The uncanny association of PFLAG with teachers & mental health professionals is alarming.
PFLAG’s association with Insidious Inseparable can not be separated.
“In 2009, Bond was named deputy director of the White House Office of Public Liaison, where he played a central role in discussions about LGBTQ+ policy in the Obama administration.”5
Brian Bond's 𝕏 account @BrianKBond no longer exist
Brian Bond discusses “Book Banning” on MSNBC6
Please view the footnote above for a proper explanation of “banned books”, as well as examples of books that have been found on the shelves of middle & elementary schools across the country, as well as in Delaware schools!
Be advised - content is graphic!
PFLAG is "beyond excited" to support Jeffrey marsh, as shown in the video below.
If you have no family, you can be in my family.
If you needed to go no contact or limited contact, I love you very much.
—Jeffrey Marsh
With those connections I’ve shown above, and the eagerness for inseparable to get this bill past, do you trust that in$eparable ha$ your ₵hild’$ best intere$t at $take?
Improper Relationship
There are certain things that SHOULD NOT be discussed with children by an adult. Are you okay with a complete stranger teaching your child about “Anal, Oral, or Other Type of Sex”
Planned parenthood has been one of those “health professionals” inserted inside public schools in some states. Courage Is A Habit does a great job of stringing some of Planned Parenthood’s content together.
Back to School Toolkit
Recently, Maine put forth a Bill which would essentially enable Trans Trafficking of minors! Thankfully, through the voices of the parents, the bill was killed 12 - 0!
Maine Follows Blueprint To Legalize New Form Of Child Trafficking7
January 23, 2024 | Daily Caller
This constant exposure to sexual innuendo leads down a path of sexualization, emboldening Child predators, & the traumatization of our youth.
Such examples of Traumatization can be found here on a Delaware blog where a sexual abuse victim documents her trauma.
Delaware House Bill 230 (HB 230) Allows For Medical Experimentation, Sterilization, And Mutilation Of Children
(AKA - The ‘Trans-Sanctuary’ Bill)
HB230 - An Act to Amend TITLES 10, 13, 24, & 31 of the Delaware Code Relating to Gender-Affirming Health Care
I have already written about this bill previously. Please read the post below for more details.
Moving video by Delaware Family Policy Council against HB230

The text from the Maine & Delaware Bills use language as defined in the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders”
Similar to the Maine bill, HB230 opens the door to Trans-Trafficking, which is people taking advantage of Delaware's “Trans Sanctuary" status to traffic chuldren across state lines to receive cross-sex hormones, chemical castration drugs puberty blockers, and surgical genital mutilation8 gender affirming care.
⚠️Viewer Discretion Advised ⚠️
Footnote ‘8’ includes graphic content!
I cut out the most extreme examples - no pun intended. ✂️

Three of the sponsors of this bill are extremely biased. One is a drag queen, one transgender, the other a mother who socially transitioned her child at 4 years old!9
Several are even endorsed by Delaware’s Communist Party, The Delaware Democrat Socialists of America.

Humanists to host atheism talk with Rep. Eric Morrison Feb. 1510
Morrison has been open about his atheism and its influence on his political career. He believes that his nonreligious worldview makes him a better legislator. He practices critical thinking without relying on a religious text or prayer to inform him regarding the right thing to do.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." — John Adams
Sarah McBride has been able to massively fund raise off of supporting this bill!
As Americans, adults are free to make their own choices in life without adversity, regardless of what others may think. There is no greater representation of diversity than the American Flag.
Just stay the hell away from the children! Let children be children.
House Bill 275 - Including Asexuality and Pansexuality under sexual orientation
This Act updates the definition of "sexual orientation" throughout the Delaware Code by adding asexuality and pansexuality. Asexuality refers to individuals with little to no sexual attraction to other individuals, although asexual individuals may desire emotionally intimate relationships with other individuals. Pansexuality refers to individuals who are attracted sexually or romantically, or both, to another individual regardless of that individual's sex or gender identity. This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual.
Primary Sponsor
Rep. Morrison (Democrat 27th)
Additional Sponsors
Sen. Sturgeon (Democrat 4th)
Sen. McBride (Democrat 1st)
Rep. Baumbach (D. 23rd)
Rep. Neal (D. 13th)
Rep. Heffernan (D. 6th)
Rep. Romer (Democrat 25th)
Sen. Hoffner (Democrat 14th)
Rep. Minor-Brown (Democrat 17th)
Rep. Osienski (Democrat 24th)
Rep. Selby (Democrat 20th)
Rep Bush(Democrat 29th)
Rep. Harris(Democrat 32nd)
Rep. Johnson (Democrat 5th)
Rep. Lambert (Democrat 7th)
Rep. Lynn (Democrat 31st)
Rep. Phillips (Democrat 18th)
Rep. Wilson-Anton (Democrat 26th)
New Delaware bill seeks to include asexuality and pansexuality under sexual orientation11
January 22, 2024 | Delaware Online
Asexuality refers to a person with little to no sexual attraction to others. An asexual person may still desire emotionally intimate relationships with others, and experience other forms of attraction that can be romantic, aesthetic or sensual in nature, but does not intend to act out on that attraction in a sexual manner, according to the Asexual Visibility & Education Network.
Pansexuality refers to a person whose sexual and/or romantic attraction to someone else is not based on that person’s gender identity or sex. Someone who is pansexual may be attracted to more than one gender or all genders. The word “pansexual” is sometimes used interchangeably with “bisexual,” according to the Trevor Project.
The Trevor Project - boy do they have a few skeletons in their closet…
§ 21. Equal Rights.
Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged on account of race, color, national origin, or sex."
As you can see, asexuals & pansexuals are already protected under Delaware Law. The labeling of groups (Identity Politics) is a Marxist methodology of creating division among people.The Leftist Extremists in the Delaware Democratic Party promote a Marxist agenda whose aim is to legislate progressive left policies to create division & chaos among the people of Delaware.
One's sexuality has no business being a deciding factor in any government action. This is an individual's private business and is not subject to government action. Most Democrat voters do not agree with the extreme legislation being put forth by the likes of Mr. Morrison. Let's stop wasting the taxpayer's time & money and creating division with this nonsense when we need to come together.
Submit your petition to your elected officials here.12
Telephone Numbers are: 302-744-4351 or 302-744-4221 - the Operator will direct your call.
Emailing and calling your State Representatives and Senators can make a difference.
DE House Representatives Link4
Gender Dysphoria is a very real, and serious disorder. Even in such a case, is permanent medical (chemical & surgical) intervention on a minor the solution?
Another mental disorder that is not talked about nearly enough is Munchausen Syndrome.
Munchausen syndrome [by proxy] (factitious disorder imposed on another) is where you act like the person you’re caring for (a child, a disabled individual, or an older person, for example) has a physical or mental illness while the person is not actually sick. They lie about symptoms, sabotage medical tests (like putting blood in their urine), or even harm a dependent to get the symptoms. This is a form of child or elder abuse.
Diagnosing and treating Munchausen syndrome is difficult because of the person’s dishonesty.
Other Links & Points Worth Noting
An excellent book that will put ALL of this into perspective is a book by Xi Van Fleet titled Mao’s America: A Survivors Warning
America is going through a cultural revolution. Xi explains what she experienced under Mao’s cultural revolution, and the similarities she describes will stop you cold.
Another great book with a vast amount of information & resources is Lost In Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness by Dr. Miriam Grossman, MD
New Book by Investigative Journalist Alex Newman exposes government schools "like never before"
February 21, 2024 | Daily Wire
Is ‘Gender Ablation’ Indicated or Ethical as Policy?13
The ‘trans endemic’ as a health policy crisis
C.D. Casscells, M.D. | 8/28/2023
The United States is experiencing an endemic health crisis. There is a regional outbreak (on both the East and West coasts) of young girls self-identifying as “trans.”
Previously, in 2018, according to the U.S. National Health Interview Survey on sexual orientation, 97.3% of men and 96.8% of women identify as “straight,” 1.9% of men identify as “gay,” 1.4% of women identify as “lesbian,” and 0.8% of men and 1.8% of women identify as “bisexual.”
Also, recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that in California and New York, as much as 20% of teenagers are self-reporting broadly as “transsexual,” neither heterosexual, homosexual, nor bisexual.
We are currently witnessing what may be the greatest medical scandal in history: the use of Puberty Blockers (PBs) in providing what is termed “Gender Affirming Care” (GAC).

How the US Spent $4.1 Billion on Global LGBT Initiatives14

Growing Concerns Over Links Between Transgenderism and Violence15

Parents, Teachers Start Winning Court Battles Against Secret Gender Transition Policies16

Severe Mental Illness: The Ignored Public Health Crisis17
West Chester Superintendent Admits to Hiding Student’s 'Transition' from Parents Over a DECADE Ago!

Quoted from
How hyenas hunt is quite interesting, particularly because of the cunning they demonstrate. These mammals analyze their victims and use all their senses in order to be successful. They’re opportunistic hunters that carefully observe the herds of their potential prey to make the decision regarding which individual to attack.
How do they select their prey?
Hyenas head towards herds of potential prey (distant from each other), speed up, and then stop when they’re close. This action generates displacement in the animals, so they can observe and find an individual with a weakness. If they don’t succeed, they lose interest in that group and look for another herd.
Once the victim is caught, hyenas surround it and tear it apart.
Surrounded by hyenas, these children need a lion. They need someone who will say “Enough is enough!” and protect the innocent minds from a twisted perversion rooted in chaos.
Below is an inspirational, metaphoric speech given by football legend Ray Lewis featuring motivational speaker Eric Thomas, followed by Christopher Walken’s speech from the movie ‘Poolhall Junkies’
Ray Lewis, Eric Thomas - Lion Mentality
What Are Parental Rights?
Parents have the Biblical responsibility, and thus the right, to provide for, protect, nurture, and disciple their children. (Deut. 6:4-9, Eph. 6:4, 1 Tim. 5:8) The government was instituted to protect our God-given rights, including the rights of parents to the care, custody, and control of their children. The United States Supreme Court has affirmed: “the child is not the mere creature of the State; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right, coupled with the high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations.” Id. (citing Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510, 534-35 (1925)).
For most of United States history, a parent’s right to the care, custody, and control of their children was assumed. However, the assumption that now influences our policy makers is that children are wards of the state, and can be given to or taken from parents at will.
The rights of parents are now being circumvented in the education system and in the medical field. Messages are being promoted through media that encourage children to distrust their parents and assert their autonomy. Policies are being written that are chipping away at the rights that parents assume they safely possess.
Many parents, including some of our clients, are rightly concerned that the government has violated their fundamental right to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children. They want school boards to remove politics from the classroom and get back to academics. They have the right to express those concerns to elected officials and shouldn’t live in fear of government punishment for doing so.
- Kristen Waggoner, ADF General Counsel
It is important to know the policies that directly affect parental rights, expose and alert others to these threats, and take action - the rising generation needs you!
verbiage from the amended bill: strikeout is removed, bold is added
Encourage any
womanperson who presents with signs ofmaternal depressionperinatal mood and anxiety disorder to share the materials and information withher baby’stheir child’s family members or caregivers andhertheir family members and caregivers
From Wikipedia:
At age 30, Bond was already field director of the Missouri Democratic Party's coordinated campaign for Clinton-Gore when he was tapped to lead the state party as its executive director in 1992.[3]
He would later be named director of LGBT outreach at the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C.[7]
In 1997, Bond was hired as executive director of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund to rebuild the nearly-bankrupt organization.[7] He is credited by Tammy Baldwin with helping grow the visibility and size of the organization.[8][9] He left the organization in 2003.[10]
Bond was later hired by Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean to replace Donald Hitchcock as executive director of the DNC's Gay and Lesbian Leadership Council.,[7] and would eventually join Obama for America as National Constituency Director in Chicago, Illinois.[10]
In January 2009, The Advocate magazine announced that Bond would be named deputy director of the White House Office of Public Liaison under Tina Tchen, as confirmed by the transition team of then-President-elect Barack Obama. In this role, he would serve in a managerial capacity for the office as well as serve a primary role on LGBT issues,[7] and was ultimately central to discussions around LGBT issues in the Obama administration, including the administration's response to the Defense of Marriage Act, until his departure in 2011.[11]
Bond left the White House to rejoin the Democratic National Committee as Director of Constituency Outreach in August 2011.[10] He later served as CEO for public engagement at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.[1]
In January 2019, Bond was named executive director of the LGBT advocacy organization PFLAG based in Washington, D.C.[2]
It is deceitful to call what they are describing “Book Banning”.
It IS NOT book banning! These so-called “banned books” are being read by drag queens in libraries all across the NATION! These “banned Books” can be found in DISPLAYS across bookstores and libraries all over the place! THAT is not BANNING - call it what it is - KEEPING RACIST & SEXUALLY EXPLICIT BOOKS OUT OF THE HANDS OF MINORS!
Uncle Tom’s Cabin was BANNED. The Democrat Ku Klux Klan would BURN DOWN bookstores who dared to carry Uncle Tom’s Cabin to stop the spread of abolitionist views!!!
NOTE: Some of these books pictured below have been found in DELAWARE schools!

Candidate may become first drag queen elected to a state legislature
In this week’s Delaware primary, the last of the state primaries held across the country, former HRC employee Sarah McBride, who is transgender, also won her race. If elected, she would become one of the first openly trans state senators in the U.S.
'I am a girl': One child's journey to 'truegender'
June 6, 2017 | USA Today