School Board Election Deadline
Are you aware of what is going on in the schools that YOU pay for?
Are you aware of what is going on in the schools that YOU pay for?
The innocence of childhood is being stripped away!1

Teachers are grooming children with talks of gender ideology, sexuality, and pornography.
Then they went to HottTotts, a global sextrotting site. "The next best thing to being there," was how it was advertised. It claimed to show real sex tourists, filmed while doing things they'd be put in jail for back in their home countries. Their faces weren't visible, their names weren't used, but the possibilities for blackmail, Snowman realizes now, must have been extensive. The locations were supposed to be countries where life was cheap and kids were plentiful, and where you could buy anything you wanted. This was how the two of them first saw Oryx. She was only about eight, or she looked eight. They could never find out for certain how old she'd been then. Her name wasn't Oryx, she didn't have a name. She was just another little girl on a porno site.
This is an actual excerpt from Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood, which talks about child pornography! This book is found in many Delaware school libraries.2
Students are being taught that they will NEVER achieve their dreams, while others are told that they are the source for all that is unjust.
Where would we be as a country if Frederick Douglass, Araminta Ross, Booker T. Washington, or America’s founding fathers listened to the people who told them they will never succeed?
December of 2021, Red Clay school board voted to go ‘gender neutral’ & included specific verbiage to hide gender transitions from parents in what seemed to be a fly-by-night policy. To this day, many parents are unaware of this policy.
Amid great tumult, Red Clay passes transgender policy 4-33
December 16, 2021 | Delaware Live
Violence has been on the rise, in part due to the anxiety our schools created4 by unreasonable and harmful Covid isolation policies, as well as the the unwillingness to discipline under the many euphemism of 'all that is just'.

Schools are pushing anti-American curriculum and spewing Marxist ideology, antithetical to American values of Liberty, Freedom, and Equality for All.
Many parents are just unaware of the failures of the American education system. I understand, I had been there too.
Many of your own neighbors may feel as if they have no need to vote in a school board election when they have no children in school. Make it your goal to show them that as an American citizen tax payer, they do have skin in the game.
Here is a heartwarming video from a father along side his adorable daughter who understands what is at stake. We need more fathers like him.
We all have the responsibility as citizens of this great nation to preserve our prosperity and make sure that future generations have the opportunity to live life to their fullest, God-given potential.
I will confidently say that the majority of America holds those same values. They are just unaware of how those values are being eroded under the misguided perception of empathy. The same values of which Sonya Carson, a single mother of two, instilled upon her boys.5
Students are failing academically!
Delaware Student proficiency during the 2021-2022 school year is at an abhorrent level
42.36% English language arts (ELA)
29.48% Math
87.02% Graduation Rate
This means that only 29.48% of Delaware students are able to comprehend mathematics at grade level!
How is it then possible for the graduation rate to be almost 90%?
To put that into perspective, if graded, the graduation rate would be a B+ (87 - 89), while every academic grade is an F (below 65)!
That is a mathematical impossibility!..
…unless the students are just being pushed along
This is NOT a Covid anomaly!
This has been a steady decline in academic achievement.
Something has to change.
That change happens when ‘We The People’ make our voices heard.
I hope that what you have read will encourage you to inform other people about what is at stake, and the importance of establishing a board that reflects your values when creating policy and educational standards.
We need to stand up for our next generation of entrepreneurs, doctors, policy makers, business owners, soldiers….the next generation of proud, independent, Americans.
The deadline to file for school board candidacy is Friday, March 3rd
School Board Election Schedule
If someone you know would be a great candidate to restore integrity & academic achievement to the forefront of Delaware education, please reach out to them and ask that they run for a seat on the school board of their local community.
Or if you, yourself, are that person, please consider running for your seat on the school board.
There are resources available to help vett, train, and fund candidates. You will have support!
Following is a list of all Filed Candidates by School District
Right now it is a vast sea of emptiness…
School Board Candidate Filing Information
The filing deadline for School Board elections is the first Friday in March at 4:30 p.m.
To file you will need to fill out the “School Board Member Candidate Filing Packet”, which has been included below.
Please email us at so we can help get you the support you will need.
Those who take that step to run are heroes in my book! 🇺🇸
Below you will find all the districts with their respective school board seats up for election, along with each district’s 2021-2022 academic proficiency results.
Clicking on the district’s name will take you to the specific school board election site. Clicking the proficiency results will make you cry take you to the school district’s ‘Report Card’ page where you can further break down the results.
For convenience, I compiled school district maps into a single .pdf file by county.
District A
District C
District C
District E
District A
District C
District A
District D
District A
District B

District 2
District 3
* School District crosses county boundaries. Smyrna and Milford School Board Elections and Referenda are both handled by Department of Elections - Kent County Office. Woodbridge School Board Elections and Referenda are both handled by Department of Elections - Sussex County Office
This is a podcast dedicated to the mind of America’s greatest intellectual, Thomas Sowell.8
This episode features a January 1993 interview with Thomas Sowell about his book "Inside American Education."
This interview plays as if were from today, yet it was recorded 30 years ago!
These books contain vulgar, sexually explicit & morally egregious content. Read for yourself, and decide if this is the kind of content appropriate for school.
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
To see what books can be found in your child’s school library, use the guide found here or click the “School Library Books” link on the Schooling Delaware home page.
An "at large" election is for a political area which is not subdivided into districts. For example, county officials are usually elected by designated districts (several precincts) within the county. However, some counties elect their local governing board by select those who earn the highest number of votes from the entire county.