"The New York Times long standing motto: 'All the News That's Fit to Print' should be changed to reflect today's reality: Manufacturing News to Fit an Ideology"
—Thomas Sowell
September Schooling Delaware held a series of events to recognize the accomplishment & knowledge of the great American thinker, Thomas Sowell.
The first event was a movie showing of the documentary Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World1, followed by a children's book reading of Thomas Sowell: A Self-made Man.2
This September evening Thomas Sowell Documentary viewing was a success!
The purpose of these events were to introduce the ideas of Thomas Sowell & promote conversation. This couldn't have been better exemplified than the fact that after the movie, everyone stuck around & had thoughful, engaging conversation, which was the 'Sowell' purpose of showing this film - to introduce the viewers to the thoughts & ideas of Thomas Sowell, and promote encouraging, thought provoking conversation.
Thank you to all that participated, and thank you for Free To Choose Network3 for their generosity in making this event possible.
Here is an AI generated tribute song I created to honor the legacy of Thomas Sowell. For those of you that know Sowell’s work, you are in for a treat.
Alan Wolan, host of the “The Genius of Thomas Sowell” podcast makes the case for why Thomas Sowell should receive the 🏅Presidential Medal of Freedom 🏅 and I wholeheartedly agree.
Previous Schooling Delaware posts about Thomas Sowell
The full speech for the audio used in this video can be viewed here.
When David Ruben asks Thomas Sowell why he abandoned Marxism to embracing the ideas of liberty, his answer was short & to the point.
I special nod to
who's book sits atop my shelf - it was the inspiration of Kathy who made me realize the importanceof being a conversationalist.Black excellence — the case of Dunbar High School4
Thomas Sowell | Spring of 1974
SOCIAL pathology has held an enduring fascination for researchers, and nowhere more so than in the study of black Americans. Isolated “successes” or “heroes” receive occasional attention, but large-scale or institutionalized progress ,and excellence seem almost to be shunned, except for passing references to the “middle-class” end results. With all the voluminous outpourings on black educational pathology, there has been an almost total neglect of one of the most remarkable black educational success stories: Dunbar High School.
✰The Main Feature✰
For those of you who have reached out expressing appreciation for this event, but were unable to make it, above is the movie in its entirety. Thank you for the kind words & encouragement.
This documentary features brillliant thought leaders & entrepreneurs such as:

♪ Songs of the Unsung ♬
『A rising tide lifts up all boats.』
America has won back culture! Now, we must preserve it!
Hear the untold stories of incredible Americans of tenacity, perseverance, & self-worth. Inspiration to overcome any obstacle in short 1-2 minute videos.
Included free to watch with Amazon Prime. Also available on youtube which I will embed at the end of this page.
Free To Choose® Network is a global media 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that brought you Milton Friedman’s original 1980 10-part television series, Free To Choose. It continues to use accessible and engaging media to persuade others that individuals and societies flourish when we’re all free to choose how best to live our lives and pursue our happiness in an ethical manner.