School board elections are critical!
They directly impact the education and well-being of our communities and future generations.
The importance of local self-governance, a.k.a. Federalism and the protection of individual rights are enshrined in our constitution.
Even for residents who do not have children in the school district, school board elections are still critical because education is a fundamental pillar of society. Schools play a crucial role in shaping the values and beliefs of our youth and preparing them for their future roles as citizens and leaders. Moreover, education has a significant impact on economic development, social cohesion, and individual opportunities for success.

*View the footnote to learn more about this great man of integrity1
School board members are responsible for overseeing the policies, programs, and resources of the school district, including curriculum development, teacher hiring and training, budget allocation, and student discipline. The decisions made by school board members can have a profound impact on the quality of education, the safety of students, and the overall well-being of the community.
Residents without children in the school district also have a stake in the success of the school system.
High-performing schools can attract new businesses, increase property values, and improve the overall quality of life in a community. In contrast, failing schools can lead to increased crime, decreased property values, and a negative impact on the local economy.
Furthermore, as taxpayers, all residents contribute to the funding of public schools. School board members are responsible for ensuring that these funds are used effectively and efficiently to provide high-quality education for all students. Residents without children in the school district have a right to demand accountability and transparency from school board members regarding the use of public funds!
School board elections provide an opportunity for residents, by electing responsible and capable school board members, to ensure that all students, regardless of their background, have access to high-quality education that prepares our youth for success in the future.
Who can vote, and how?
You DO NOT need to be registered to vote to participate in your local school board election.
Candidates must run based on their specific nominating district, but all residents may vote, regardless of where they live within the school district.
You may also vote an absentee ballot in-person.
Per Delaware Department of Elections:
If you do not think that there is sufficient time for the mail system to get the the ballot to the Department of Elections conducting the election, deliver it to the Department or have someone deliver it to the Department for you.
You can go to the Department of Elections for the county conducting the election with proof of identity and address on any normal business day between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. until two days before the day of the election, and between 8:30 a.m. and 12 Noon on the day before the election.
In New Castle County, this would be the Carvel State Office Building.
Elections will be held in:
New Castle County
Red Clay
Kent County
Lake Forest
Sussex County
Indian River
✰✰Citizens for Delaware Schools Voter Guide2✰✰
While school board roles may be challenging, they wield immense power to help kids get a better education, enabling teachers to deliver instruction in a safe, orderly classroom, and encouraging parents to stay involved.
The successful candidate must have these qualities to be successful:
Share community values and makes decisions based on them
Strong community and/or school involvement
A vision with specific policy solutions to address the shortcomings of Delaware education

👇Last years School Board Election guide.
Booker T. Washington was born into slavery on April 5, 1856 in Franklin County, Virginia. Booker T. Washington, through hard work, perseverance, and a desire to educate, became a dominant figure in American history. He exemplifies what it means to overcome adversity through hard work, perseverance, merit, and individual self-worth. In fact, it is this man's quote that is the first thing new readers are greeted with when they visit the Schooling Delaware newsletter.
Booker T. Washington Bio from the Tuskegee Institute, the school Booker T. Washington founded.