Upcoming Events & Critical Conversations
We must not let our Nation become a Sowell-less society!
I hope you a had a wonderfull summer filled with sun & family! Have a great Labor Day weekend.
This summer has been unique for me. I have spent much of the summer with fellow friends, family, & Delawareans.
I have met many new people, forging many friendships along the way. From helping a stranger with a flat tire along side 95, to a conversation with a strong & outspoken mother bear in line at a Dunkin Donuts! There is one thing I am certain of, we are not that different when it comes to our values & our commitment to the next generation of children.
I look forward to working together with DCHV, sacraficing a little to help those who sacraficed a lot - our homeless veterans.
Together, we will pick these children up both academically & morally. No longer will we tolerate policies that disparage students & circumvent parents. We will instill the self-worth needed to overcome any obstacle along their path.
We do that by teaching a true, accurate American history. If you do not teach the bad, you can not explain the good that perseveres! If all you teach is the bad, you create a generations of victims, who do not have the will, nor the desire to overcome.
I believe the latter to be the most detrimental. It requires instilling fear into the minds of the children that ‘forces that be’ will never ‘allow’ them to succeed, removing all personal ambition. A Marxist tactic of separating people into groups of the oppressor & the oppressed.
Where would we be if our Founding Fathers, Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, Robert Smalls, or even Delaware's own Caesar Rodney1 listened when they were told they will never succed many, many times over?
If you do not know who Robert Smalls is, you'll be forgiven. Neither did I. Not untill I had a 2 hour conversation with a 78 year old man in the middle of a store!
I offered to help a gentleman looking at laptops, not because I worked there, but because I was looking at getting a laptop for my mother who is a teacher and I had already looked at every laptop there. Somehow our conversation turned into a discussion about what is going on in our country. This man told me horrific stories of Socialism & Communism that some of his family did not live to tell.
He managed to escape the oppressive clutches of Socialism ☭ twice, finally making it to the United States of America. With tears in his eyes, he told me he has no where else to go. He see's happening here what he saw happening over there. He mentioned the destruction & removal of statues. Then he mentioned a man that does not have a statue to be taken down - Captain Robert Smalls! He wouldn't tell me who he is - he just said “look him up".
That is exactly what I did. I read nearly every book I can find on this great man.
Captain Robert Smalls was an inspirational man to all Americans. An American Civil War hero with a story of perseverance, courage, & the tenacity to overcome!

Together, with a righteous indignation, & values aligned, we will restore integrity back to our Nation, giving children the opportunity & inspiration for academic success!

Now on to the upcoming events, in chronological order:
Education Freedom: A Pathway to Success
Caesar Rodney Institute, along with Americans for Prosperity will be holding the 2nd Annual EDUCATION FREEDOM event!
Join us for a free education event open to all, hosted by Americans for Prosperity Foundation and Caesar Rodney Institute! Enjoy food and beverages while learning about solutions to improve education in Delaware and Wilmington.
Hear from expert educators and engage in a Q&A session to ask your questions. This event is especially valuable for parents and families with children in Delaware public schools.
Register today—seats are limited! For more information, contact Vil at Vil@CaesarRodney.org or (302) 273-0080.
Thursday Sept 19, 2024 at 6:00pm
Timothy's Riverfront Grill
930 Justison St, Wilmington, DE 19801
Thomas Sowell Series
Schooling Delaware will be hosting a series of educational events based on one of America’s greatest intellectuals, Thomas Sowell.
The events will be held at the Route 9 Library & Innovation Center, in New Castle.
Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World
The first will be a documentary viewing of “Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World” in the Black Box Theater,2 courtesy of the Free To Choose Network.3
Tuesday Sept. 24
6:15pm - 8:00pm
Bottled water will be provided
Reading for Liberty: Thomas Sowell - A Self Made Man
The second event will be Schooling Delaware’s 2nd Reading for Liberty Story Time. We will be reading Heroes of Liberty’s4 “Thomas Sowell: A Self-Made Man”
Book reading will be held in the Bookatarium5
Saturday October 5
11:00am - 12-15pm
Snacks & drinks will be provided
Afterwards, stay & enjoy the other amenities available such as the “Lego room” or the “Sensory room” or even have something 3D-Printed at the “Maker Lab”6 when you are there!

…More on Thomas Sowell
A Timeline of Thomas Sowell Milestones7
…and then of course there’s always YouTube!
Hope to see you there!
Free To Choose® Network is a global media 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that brought you Milton Friedman’s original 1980 10-part television series, Free To Choose. It continues to use accessible and engaging media to persuade others that individuals and societies flourish when we’re all free to choose how best to live our lives and pursue our happiness in an ethical manner.